We have been living at the Penny Palace for over a year now. In that time I have taken numerous walks around the neighborhood by myself or with various friends, but never with Doc. He does not like to walk. This morning he surprised me by asking to go for a walk! We did. I found a shiny penny in the street of this quiet residential neighborhood! My response was, “Thank You Angels. You are correct. My mind was thinking of a million other things. I had not even thought about anything remotely ‘spiritual’ today. Thanks for the reminder. Good Morning!”
Our patriotic celebrations today consisted of decorating our
mailbox. My heart was a little sad
in thinking about Sasha. Wish he
was here. He was to have attended
a 4th of July BBQ and parade with Host Family #6 in Clayton,
evening just after 7 p.m. Doc said he wanted to get out of the house. He proposed going Penny Finding. I told him to go alone since I had
already found a penny today. (After being with him all day, I wanted some time
to tackle a few of MY tasks). PLUS
I was concerned that the obnoxious Penny Angels would do something note worthy
and then I would feel “Nudged” to write about it and today is a Holiday and I
did not FEEL like spending a few hours writing a dog-gone Penny Tale! However, Doc insisted I go with him to
walk the streets.
drove to the local car wash and gas station. Within a few seconds of getting out of the van, I found a
penny and told Doc we could go home.
He wanted to get 2,000 more steps on his pedometer, so he kept walking
-- and finding coins. I then found
a quarter by the air pump, then a penny and dime inside the convenience
store. Of course I began
repeating: “Nickel, Nickel, Nickel …” in order to have a “Hit for the Cycle”.
Doc was walking around the Car Wash area.
He had at least 18 coins in his hand.
The sun
was setting and most “normal” people were home enjoying 4th of July
BBQs and preparing for fireworks.
I wanted to go home, but Doc wanted more steps so we kept Searching
together. A romantic sunset walk -
through the Car Wash!
Detour here for a Side Story: Yesterday for our 31st
Anniversary we enjoyed an extravagant classy lunch. Home Town Buffet all-you-can-eat Senior Special with Free
Beverage for $7 each! Then we went
shopping together. At the first
store Doc said, “You can choose any 3 items in the whole store!” (We were at the 99¢ Only store).
We spent a few hours at the next store
where Doc picked up a few items.
It was an Apple Store and the items there are definitely more than $1
each. My computer is seven years
old and its operating system will no longer support newer software - including
my webmail. Thus, I had been planning
a new computer this year, but still unsure about a desktop or a laptop.

Additionally we found 5 pennies while at
those stores.
I was
laughing at how Doc was having me “Walk the Streets” today in order to earn
money for that shopping spree we had yesterday.
I was
ready to go home, but Doc was not yet satisfied. He spotted three pennies deeply imbedded in cracks of the
concrete driveway. I took out my
pocket knife to retrieve those. So
now I was using “special tools” to earn my money. (Good for another laugh).
I was
saying, “Angels, please find that Nickel so maybe Doc will let me go home”. A few minutes later I found a nickel in
a dirt planter! Yipee! I excitedly showed Doc and he said, “Find
Another One”. I replied with: “*##*#*” The rated G version was, “Look. We only found two nickels in the entire
month of June and you expect me to find two within a few minutes today?”


I could
almost hear the Penny Angels laughing.
We were probably their “dinner show” this evening.
Coin Count: 52
Coins 45
(P), 2 (N), 4 (D), 1 (Q) = $1.20
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