Today is the 5 Year
Anniversary of the day I threw out the Challenge to the Universe … “I
have given up on the Dream House Project - it seems impossible given all the restrictions
and setbacks. Plus, it is neither
a logical nor a financially wise course to take. If however, YOU deem that I am
to continue working toward this goal, then YOU show me a sign -- maybe a penny
or something to indicate I should proceed in that direction. ”
Look at
what happened!!! There was a penny
that next day, and the next day … and the next … and the next. After ten days, I began jotting down a
few notes about the coin finds.
And thus, “Penny Tales” was born.
August 5, 2009, after 229 Days of Consecutive Penny Finding (and proceeding on
Faith) we were unexpectedly led to a new bare parcel of land in a different
city. (I had presumed we were
going to build on the bare land we already owned). After a few days of research, we placed an offer on the new
lot and the next day the offer was accepted! After that, there was one miracle after another.
A penny
(or more) every day as the dream (which became known as the Penny
Palace) unfolded. For 1,393 days
(until the Open House) the Angels
delivered COINS and COINcidences.
Over that period, the Angel antics touched the lives of hundreds of
people throughout the world.

What have we all learned this past year? LISTEN to the NUDGINGS! Here is today’s example: While writing this note to you tonight,
the phone rang at 10 p.m. An unexpected
guest would be arriving within the hour!
EEKS. I scrambled to wash
dishes and clean the house. The
Nudging said, “Forget the cleaning. find this man a Balloon!” I argued, “What? I have 45 minutes before he arrives,
just where will I find a balloon?”
I searched my garage. Found
a bag with 6 or 7 balloons: a green frog, a cowboy boot, a Get Well, an I Love
You , and a Rainbow. I put the bag
away thinking none of those were appropriate. The Nudging said to blow up the Rainbow! I argued. “What Guy wants a Rainbow
balloon?” The Nudging said to
hurry and inflate the balloon.
When Chaz arrived we chatted for quite a while in the front
foyer. He said he had been
somewhat dismal lately, but that starting tomorrow he had a feeling things were
going to take a turn for the better -- just like in his Rainbow story. I asked him “What Rainbow Story”? He
shared with Doc and I. Then I shared with the two of them about the Rainbow
Balloon Nudging and ran to the other room to fetch the balloon. COINcidence???
How do you condense the experience of FIVE YEARS of Penny
Finding and hundreds of “miracles” into one posting? It simply can not be done.
not the Money that Matters, It’s the MESSAGES!
I love you miss Tina :-)
And We get to live here too! It's great!
Norman, Sparky, Dundee ... and Doc
Only as long as you are GOOD little boys
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