Hi Penny Pals-

I HATE the thought of starting over at Day #0 of Penny Finding, but it’s getting too risky to be going out each day for a coin. Doc at his age, and with other health conditions, should be following the “Shelter at Home” edict.
I might still post Tales from the Penny Palace if interesting things happen, but it’s not wise (or lawful) to be out hunting coins right now and writing Penny Tales (Try explaining to the police: “But it was NECESSARY for me to be to be out of the house in order to Find today’s coin!”)
Would it be Ethical to put Penny Finding on “Pause” (like a video) and then continue with Day #1,001 when things are safe (and lawful) to venture out again? Or do I need to start all over at Zero?
Yes, ethical to continue with Day 1001 when it is safe.
With today's climate I think it would be very wise to paw's all penny finding. Down here (New South Wales) if you don't have a lawful reason to be out, yes, you will be fined ($1,000) so it stands to reason STAY HOME !!!
I say put it on pause and then go on! Like your masks!
Definitely ethical to put Penny finding on pause and continue when things improve. This is something you have no control over. Stay home and stay safe. You and Doc are a blessing.
Ethical to change the rules of a game you created? Are there any competitors that would be hurt or gain an advantage by the rule change? If so, do they agree to the rule change?
Changing the rules is the easiest way to get ahead.
Wow... You're not as crazy as I once thought. Finally seeing some sane decision making out of you.
And you know the answer to that Q...
Enjoy your time off.
I think it is wise to put everything on hold, as we are putting everything on hold also! You get my boat!
You can hit “pause” – the angels will understand!
PAUSE and be safe
Pause is my vote in these unprecedented days.
Definitely a pause is in order!!!!!!
The government has told us that we all need to put our lives on hold for a bit.
On hold means pause, then pick right back up. And what a great day to pick up on!
I think a “pause” is justifiable in these conditions. We too are under Shelter at Home orders here in Tucson.
Better talk to the angels about that.
You are on hiatus, along with the world. Your penny angels are sheltering in place too and will still be there (and stay healthy!) when life returns back to "normal".
I think it can be pause like a video. I am glad you are thinking of your health and Docs. The world needs joyful souls like you two!
Does it have to be one or the other? I'm thinking why not do both? You could call the one on "pause" the Covid-Penny-Count and keep your other count going the day the quarantine is lifted.
When I was last gainfully employed, I used to oversee the payroll payment for the Good Shepherd Sisters who were my employer and we paid Long Service Leave of around one week per year of service plus four weeks annual leave each year, all fully paid. Now I realise that the Industry Award I was observing may be quite different to the Penny Finder Award but I am sure they will be similar so with 4 years service that is 4 weeks Long Service Leave plus 4 x 4 weeks of Annual Leave so by my reckoning you have 20 weeks you can take off on full pay of your Penny Finding and you also lose no benefits so your record stays the same and also while you are taking this time off your Long service and Annual Leave is still accruing.
If you have any trouble with the Authorities there just refer them to me and I will take them through the same logic.
So, relax and enjoy your Long Service and Annual Leave for the next 20 weeks.
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