
In March 2008 I began Finding Pennies. In December 2008 I began sharing these "Penny Tales" with a few close friends. They encouraged me to blog the Penny Tales such that more people could enjoy the Adventures with Penny Angels.

Please visit the website:

Joyfully, Tina

Monday, November 30, 2009

Day #346 - Exhilarating Abundance

WOW! Another month on the penny calendar where EVERY square is filled with a Penny Tale.

Don’t some of the stories just make you smile? Here’s a good one:

Remember last week we met a realtor in Hemet? She found a dime for each of the next three days after we told her about Penny Angels. On the 4th and 5th day she did not find any more dimes and was disappointed. I emailed back and said, “Maybe the Angels have something bigger in store for you - maybe quarters.” This morning I asked the Penny Angels to send her a quarter or more. Here is her email from this afternoon:

Tina - Heck with quarters! The angels sent $28,000.00 instead out of the blue! I know it is them. O wow

That story is as spectacular as Lita’s Trip Anywhere in the World Story (Day #332).


This morning Doc and I were driving separately to work, but he insisted that I go to Starbucks with him. So we parked Pippy (my truck) on the street en route to work and made his coffee run together. No coins there! I was not happy. He suggested I run through In-N-Out and the grocery store before he returned me to the truck. At the grocery store I turned to go into the store while Doc looked out front by the shopping carts - to find today’s penny (Coin #1). Done.

Yes, we were actively searching because Doc wanted to ensure that WE obtained a coin today.


When I arrived at school and was entering the building there was a penny in my path! (Coin #2).

Why did we search so hard this morning when the Angels had a coin just waiting for me? That inspired me to take an extra 30 seconds to walk beyond the doorway and past a few vending machines. No coins. I turned around to go back to the doorway and there was a penny next to the trash can (not visible in the first direction of travel). (Coin #3)

Lesson: Sometimes we need to change our outlook by 180 degrees in order to see the solution. (As I had to do with the new house property).

Then I spotted something questionable under one of the vending machines. Went down on one knee. It was a quarter. And while I was there, I found an additional quarter! (Coins #4&5).

I had asked the Penny Angels this morning for a quarter. Not for me - but for the realtor so she would have more than a dime today. That request was sure blown out of proportion!


As I was heading for the Honors class I was talking to the Angels: “I know I just found 4 coins here an hour ago. And I could show those coins to the class to tell them about today’s find. But it would be really extra special if there was a coin right now as I was going to class. That would show them FOR SURE that they are special and have your attention. There was a bright shiny Nickel right in my path as I walked out the automatic doors! Wow! Thanks Angels! And as I bent to retrieve it, there was a penny as well. (Coins #6&7).

After class as I was returning to my office, I spotted a dime under one of the concrete tables. I ran into the study room to share the find with the students in there. I emerged from that room to find a penny in the breezeway. (Coins #8&9). Hit for the Cycle.


After my second class today, I was passing the coffee machine as two colleagues stopped there. They asked if I would like to have a coffee with them. I replied, “No thanks to the coffee, but I’ll take a penny”. All three of us looked around where we were standing. Nothing. One of the professors purchased the coffees and turned back to hand off the cup (no one had moved). There was a penny next to us. Mushroom Coin! (Coin #10). A third colleague arrived just in time to witness that find. Shared Joy.

Doc came home and left me another love note on the kitchen table. He visited Dr. R’s office and Dr. J was present. Doc spotted a dime on the floor and claimed it. (Coin #11). Those two faculty members were the ones present with me at the coffee machine. I think they are now believers in Penny Angels. J

Today’s Total: 11 coins P (6), N ( 1), D (2), Q (2) = $0.81

Hit for the Cycle

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day #345 - Day of Recovery

The oven fire was put out (*), the guests are gone, the oven is cleaned, the furniture is back in place, the silverware and serving bowls are put away until next year. Doc and I could barely move this morning and are THANKFUL for a Day of Recovery.


This afternoon Doc NEEDED his Starbucks coffee. He convinced me to ride along with him in order to find today’s coin. While waiting for his order he spotted something in the dirt planter. He tried to explain to me where it was, and although I was inches from it, I could not see it.

Lesson: How many things are right in front of us, yet we are blinded to them. Even though we are being lovingly guided to see them?

Finally I saw the penny. Yipee! (Coin #1)

We quickly passed by my mom’s place and left mashed potatoes on her doorstep. (She had forgotten them in the fridge). Then we went to CVS Pharmacy to develop the photos from yesterday’s event. There was a shiny ‘beacon’ dime in the middle of the dark blue carpet. Very obvious. What a contrast to that coin in the dirt. (Coin #2)

Lesson: Our surroundings may help determine how we “Shine”.

Next, Doc wanted to stop for cash at the bank. He suggested I search the grocery store in the mean time. The automatic doors opened and in the very center of the floor mat was a shiny penny. It was perfectly placed with the face up and in vertical alignment. It was placed as if it said “Welcome” right in the middle of that mat. (Coin #3).


You would think three coins would be adequate for the day. I did not want to write much tonight. But the Penny Angels were not through.

This evening Doc and I went grocery shopping. At the first store, I spotted a penny at a check out lane when we first entered the store. (Coin #4). Then another penny as we were checking out. (Coin #5)

At Trader Joes I didn’t see any coins on the first and second passes by the check out area. Doc found a penny on the floor in the deli area. Then a penny appeared behind one of the registers, another penny at the counter as I was paying for my order. When we exited the store, I went left (toward the car), Doc went right (toward the Burger Bar). He held up a penny found in a dark corner of the sidewalk. (Coins #6-9).

At the next grocery store, Doc found a penny as he was approaching the check out line. (Coin #10)

Doc insisted upon stopping for coffee at the 7-11 store. There was a shiny penny as we approached the door. We showed Tony (the attendant we met on Day #310). Once again he presented us with a stray penny from the floor behind the counter. Shared JOY! Then I spotted a coin under the counter and went for a one-knee retrieval. (Coins #11-13).


While Doc was proofing the Penny Tale, I soaked Coin #1 and tried to chisel away the crud on it. After quite a bit of cleaning, it turned out to be a dime!

Lesson: Sometimes a good “scrubbing” can help reveal our higher value.

Today’s Total: 13 coins P (11), N ( 0), D (2), Q (0) = $0.31

(*) During Thanksgiving dinner, two smoke alarms went off. My firefighter brother didn’t even flinch, he just kept on eating. (I guess he only handles the BIG jobs). Doc said, “Tina must be cooking again” as he ran to smother the flames. Several other people jumped into action - silencing the two blaring smoke alarms, activating the range hood exhaust fan, opening windows, etc. Someone had left a hot pad in the oven and it caught fire. Great entertainment - dinner with a Live Show!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day #344 - Another Day of Thanksgiving

Today (Saturday) was our Thanksgiving Celebration. We began that tradition many years ago when the kids, brothers, friends all had work or other places to be on Thursday. We just decided our family gathering would be “off peak” on Saturday.

It was after 1 a.m. by the time everyone had departed, some of the furniture was moved back in place and the majority of the dishes were washed. My eyes were not even focusing by then. Writing was not possible. So this note is a little late. Sorry about that.

Back to Penny Finding …

People often ask if I actively Seek coins or if they just appear. Yes and Yes, both. Yesterday (Friday) was a passive find. Today I was Hunting!

Around 1 PM I realized I’d better get out of the house and get Penny Finding. So I made a quick run to the store under the guise of needing some butter. No coins at the grocery store. Yikes! Walked over to In-N-Out. No coins in that area.

Needed to find a Target Rich Environment -- and quickly. The 99¢ store is always a good place to Search. It was very crowded. Lots of people, no coins! I walked next door to the car wash. I found an Electronic Coin. Close, but not good enough. I walked next door to the liquor store. Nothing in the lot or in the store. Things were not looking good.

I was getting disheartened.

Wrestling with myself or Penny Angels (not sure). “My faith is getting shaky here. Not sure if I will find a coin today. Must find one. Why MUST I find one? It’s not as if I was promised a coin every day. Then it would be fair to say my faith was being tested or that I was Doubting God. But there was no promise, so I should have zero expectations and just be happy IF something appears. Any day could be the last day of this ‘coincidental finding streak’”.

But then I started talking out loud to the Penny Angels, “Look. I have 30 people coming for Thanksgiving Dinner in a little while and I am out here searching for a stupid penny? This doesn’t make any sense. This is insanity. Would you please get off your *****s and help out a little here? If I am supposed to keep finding these bloomin’ coins then YOU need to make it happen - soon! I give you 5 more minutes, then I am going home.”

I went across the street to the self-serve car wash. Finally - a penny. Then as I was recording that find, I spotted a second penny. Yippee! God’s 2¢ worth in response to my sassiness.

I returned home to find the first guests had arrived. The rest of the evening was spent eating, and eating, and chasing kids and eating and dishes and eating …. J

After the guests had departed, Doc and I were moving furniture and straightening the sofa covers. There were two dimes and three pennies in the folds of the fabric. (Coins #3-7). Then some coloring pens fell behind the bookcase so I used a tool to retrieve them and got a 1946 nickel as well! (It is just one year younger than Doc). Wonder how long the coin was back there? (Coin #8). Doc said, “Too bad we did not find a quarter, to make it a ‘Hit for the Cycle’”. We went upstairs to go to bed. On the bathroom counter there was a quarter. Doc’s comment, “Oh Yeah, I found this coin earlier today under the silk flower arrangement, does this one count?” I’m not sure. (Coin #9)

Lesson: Maybe you don’t always need to leave your home in order to find answers. There may be times when you can “serve” right where you are.

Lesson: Once again - verbalize your request. (But maybe in more polite terms than I used).

Today’s Total: 9 coins P (5), N (1), D (2), Q (1) = $0.55

Friday, November 27, 2009

Day #343 - Contagious

Remember the Realtor we met last Sunday out in Hemet? I shared the Penny Finders story with her. On Monday she found a dime on her kitchen floor (she lives alone). Today she wrote, “Hi Tina, I found coins three days in a row!” Talk about a quick learner! Fantastic!


Our friends (of nearly 40 years) from Sacramento (who used to live in this area) were in town for the Holidays. We joined them for breakfast at their favorite local cafĂ©. They invested in Shareholder Spot #15 for the PennyFinders Guidebook J Yipee! As we were leaving the restaurant, we found a dime under one of the counter chairs. 10¢/hour on a $100 investment would equate to 876% Return on Investment. Not bad!

Our friends were thrilled. I excitedly asked Doc to take a picture. The couple having breakfast at the nearest table got infected with Penny Fever and smiled too. So did the waitress and the busboy. So we shared the Penny Finders story. And then there were the people a few tables away who asked what was happening. We explained, gave out business cards, spread the Penny Fever, and witnessed plenty of smiles in the room. Silliness can be wonderfully contagious!

Today’s Total: One dime

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day #342 - Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It is not as commercialized as Christmas, Easter and Halloween.

THANKSGIVING is a day to tell others how special they are to you.

Yesterday I received an intricately beaded tiny little purse - just big enough to hold one or two coins. I opened it to find a shiny penny - from Australia! (Pennies were discontinued there in 1992). Tonight I called the sender to thank her and we spoke for an hour. Isn’t it grand how friendships and love don’t recognize international borders?


We may have the day off from work and many businesses are closed today, but the Penny Angels don’t seem to abide by human clocks or calendars. Those higher beings are a constant presence in our lives. They don’t seem to take any days off!


This morning Doc insisted upon his daily Starbucks coffee, so I negotiated - the sooner he got a few chores done, the sooner he could take a break! J He said I should go with him to Find today’s coin.

Doc dropped me at the In-n-Out Burger place on his way to the coffee shop. There were no coins at the window areas or dining tables, but a dime in the driveway. (Coin #1). I needed some potatoes for our Thanksgiving Dinner (which we hold on Saturday) so I popped into the grocery store. Three pennies by the registers. (Coins #2-4).

Meanwhile Doc was off getting his coffee. He chuckled as he briefed me on his Finding:

As he drove away from Starbucks, he was “nudged” to drive slowly through the lot and look out the passenger window versus his driver window? He spotted something in front of a hair salon. He stopped. He maneuvered the van to drive next to the object. It was a penny. And he was boasting that he did not even get out of the car to retrieve it - he just leaned out his open door! (Coin #5)



My brother is a firefighter, so this afternoon we joined him along with the families of the other guys on duty for dinner at the Fire Station. The first hour was great as Doc and I helped the guys set out tables and chairs and get things readied. The Twins and Ashley arrived and we had a great time in the Bounce House. Ashley enthusiastically provided me with a new (and wild) hairdoo.

After that, more kids and all the other people arrived. The commotion reached a level where I needed to take a hike. I was also being tempted to eat way too many appetizers, so I walked the streets for 15 minutes. Walked through the closed Taco Bell drive through and found a penny. (Coin #6). Then two pennies in the parking lot of a nearby liquor store. (Coins #7&8).

We needed to stop for gasoline before heading home. There was one run over penny by the pumps and an other one inside the convenience store. (Coins #9&10)

Lesson: Let your hair down, play like a child, enjoy the moment.

Today’s Total: 10 coins P (9), N (0), D (1), Q (0) = $0.19

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day #341 - Bday Plans

We stopped at the post office and mailed the check to Chaz for his Guidebook Work. J I had not visited the Circle K next to the Fitness Center in the months since I quit working out. So we stopped there just to say hello to Margita (see Day #200 story). As I got out of the van, I found a nickel under the vehicle next to ours. Doc said, “What about the penny next to it?” I hadn’t seen it! (Coins #2&3).

Inside the store I found a penny at the cold beverage station, then a nickel slightly stuck in floor wax under the coffee station. (Coins #4&5). Margita greeted me with a big smile and a Hug, “Hello Penny Lady. I was telling people about you”. I gave her a business card and said to stay tuned for Day #365! She showed the card to the other two cashiers, then retrieved a penny from the floor behind the counter to add to the collection. (Coin #6).


Doc had offered to take me out for a nice birthday dinner, but I meet with my student officers on Wednesday nights from 6-8 pm so I declined his invitation.

Original Plan A: I was going to surprise the students and bring them dinner.

Plan B: They had decided to have a potluck tonight.

Plan C: One of the students offered his house for a BBQ instead. I got there and the house was dark. Evidently the landlord is doing landscaping this week and did not want seven persons in his yard.

Plan D: Business meeting / potluck moved to local park. We had assumed potluck was in a house, so no one had utensils and plates. Three persons did not show and one officer was out getting spaghetti.

Plan E: We waited 30 minutes in the dark park for the fourth person. When he arrived with dinner he sounded pretty sick and it was foolish for all of us to sit there and eat on the tailgate of the two pickups. New Plans. Meeting abandoned.


While I was loitering in a dark park, Doc was at Subway getting his dinner, then at the grocery store getting bananas and three pennies. (Coins #7-9).

I fought holiday traffic and went home to ‘enjoy’ the remainder of Doc’s sandwich which I found in the fridge. L The evening certainly did not go as planned.

Lesson: Be Flexible and ready for New Plans

Today’s Total: 9 coins P (7), N (2), D (0), Q (0) = $0.17

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day #340 - Off and Running

Lots and lots happening today. I signed the agreement with the Graphics designer to begin working on the Guidebook. We’re Off and Running! The first draft is expected in one week. The designer normally charges 50% to 100% extra for rush jobs, but has waived it for us. He also delayed another project which was scheduled to begin on Monday. J

Blank checks arrived today for the newly opened PennyFinders account, so the first check issued was for the book design services!

I had asked 55 person (with a goal of getting 25 namess) to see who would be interested in being Stakeholders in this Guidebook. 13 so far have said Yes. Today the first two investments arrived. J

There are a dozen “good news” coincidences today. Wish I could share more of them with you. But you don’t want to read a novel, and I need to prepare for some exciting things in the morning …

Today was our first newspaper coverage.


There was no time for Penny Searching today.

As I was traveling to a noon meeting, there was a solo penny on top of a dining table. A little further I found one by the cash register at the convenience store. There were three students standing over it and chatting. I just swooped in saying, “Lucky Penny for Today” since I had no time to explain anything.

After my meeting, I walked through the outdoor dining tables. There was a penny under a table with three persons sitting there. A little bit awkward, but what the heck? I grabbed it and said, “Lucky Penny. Have a nice day!” and walked off. I’m sure they were left wondering what had just happened? Such fun!

Today’s Total: 3 Pennies

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day #339 - More Dimes

The Penny Angels are still responding to the 50-60 times I said, “Dime, dime, dime …” at the grocery store two nights ago.


Yesterday we met that Realtor in Hemet. Of course we told her about Penny Tales. Here is her note today:

Tina, there was a dime on my kitchen floor this morning and a man that I have wanted to meet showed up this morning.



Today I was quite passive about Penny Finding. I will need time tonight to work on that PennyFinders Guidebook! The deadline is rapidly approaching.

This morning we had a phone meeting with a Public Relations Consultant. We were brainstorming ways to maximize the Day #365 occurrence. So many options …


This morning I was running to my Honors class. (It’s about a 2 minute brisk walk).

I was talking to the Penny Angels … “Hi Angels. I know this is being bold, but it would be great to find a coin before I get to class. I like those honor students and it is fun to share this adventure with them. I realize logically that the laws of probability would indicate no coins today. I have found so many when going to this class, I know in my head there is not likely to be another one. I really don’t want to ask, because I will be disappointed if one does not manifest”. There was a dime as I finished that conversation! Such fun to show the class.

I was happy with today’s find.


This afternoon I needed to make a delivery at the Student Center. I tried very hard NOT to look to the right or left of my travel path. I avoided the game room, vending machine areas, etc. I was going to quickly exit through the same doors I entered. Then Penny Fever hit. I just HAD to go out through the other doorway. Two pennies at Round Table Pizza. Just more coins to write about!

Lesson: Be Aware - The Penny Angels may give you more than you asked for!

Today’s Total: 3 coins P (2), N (0), D (1), Q (0) = $0.12

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day #338 - Got the Dimes

Today was comprised of just lots of silly little individual Finds. Silly Onesies.

Last night while at the grocery store and doing those errands I said to the Penny Angels, Dime, dime, dime, dime, dime …” probably one hundred times. I forgot to say “BY Midnight!” The Penny Angels don’t run on human time. The dimes were provided this morning!

The first dime I found was in a purse. I always clean out my purses when I put them away, but the one I grabbed this morning had a single dime in it! I had to laugh because of the repeated request last nigh for a dime. But that coin does not count (see Penny Protocol on line).

We were out the door at 8 AM. One mile from home Doc spotted something shiny in the crosswalk where we were stopped for a red light. He made me get out and investigate. It was a penny - but it was embedded! Foregone. The bus driver in that lane of traffic must have been wondering why I jumped out of my car and ran in front of him.


Doc had to visit Starbucks before getting on the freeway. There was a long line of cars, so I walked around the nearby McDonalds and Chevron gas station. One penny at the gas pumps (Coin #1). I returned to assist Doc in getting his coffee at the drive through window. Saw one obvious dime, then another dime on the curb and a penny a little beyond the window area.. Those were the dimes I was requesting. (Coins #2-4). We were leaving the lot when I spotted another penny in a parking stall. (Coin #5)

As we were traveling down the freeway, the car was making funny noises. So we pulled off the freeway in Redlands. While Doc checked the oil and looked under the hood, I walked through the Del Taco lane to collect 2 pennies under the window. Then thought of Nephew Brandon’s comment, “Look where the water flows” and found a run over penny. (Coins #6-8). The KFC was just next door and still closed at 9:15 AM so a great place to search. Nothing spotted - until I looked in the deep crack between the driveway concrete and the curbing under the pay window. Another dime! I thought I would need to fetch the tweezers from the car, but thank goodness for long fingernails. (Coin #9).

We had a great breakfast, then met with a realtor, June. As we embarked on our journey with her, I spotted a penny in the center console of her car. (Against Penny Protocol to take that one). We laughed. Doc was sitting in the back seat of her car and quipped, “There is a penny under Tina’s seat, another penny under June’s seat plus a nickel back here.” We took that as a good symbol for our meeting even though it would be against Penny Protocol to count those coins for today. We explored the Hemet area with June and learned so much. She enjoyed our Penny Finders story and had some pretty amazing miracle stories of her own.

Doc had to make another Starbucks stop. It must be his goal to visit every Starbucks in Southern California. While he used the restroom, I walked the drive through to collect a penny. (Coin #10)

We were on the home stretch. We were at a red light - the last signal before our house. Yup! Doc spotted another Median penny. It was a stale red light, but Doc is quite good with his retrievals and he was back in the car just moments after the light turned green.

We shared the story with 5-6 people today, collected a few coins, made progress on the investment property project, cleaned the garage, spent a few moments with the family next door, graded quizzes, did homework, paid bills, prepared food, etc. Just a really pleasant Sunday.

Thoughts: Today it just seemed like the Penny Angels were toying with us. There were off limit coins in the realtor’s car, the embedded coin, the dime in my purse, and the two dimes at Starbucks (where I got scolded for being out of my car). The Angels were just playing around with us and providing no serious lessons.

Today’s Total: 11 coins P (8), N (0), D (3), Q (0) = $0.38

Just pennies plus the DIMES I requested Yesterday!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day #337 - Reaching Out

It seems like the entire day today was spent on PennyFinder related things … with much more yet to do tonight.

I began the morning outlining the Free Report: 10 Ways PennyFinding … Then spent the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon working on the PennyFinders Guidebook. By 4:15 I was exhausted and needed to get away from the computer. I also realized we had not found any coins today. (Tough to do when you are sitting at home on a computer). Doc suggested doing the weekly grocery shopping as a break. (I hate grocery shopping). L


On the way to the grocery store we were passing a high school parking lot and there were maybe 15 minutes of daylight left. Penny Fever. I could not resist getting out and searching. Doc tossed me out saying he would go to the bank and come back for me in a few minutes. I started walking. One of the teenage skateboarders I had met on my last walk there (see photo Day #282) recognized me. “Hi Penny Lady”. Shared smiles.

A dear friend just returned from 4 weeks of travel so I used that walking time to call him. As we were chatting and walking, I found a penny, then another, then a few minutes later a few more. Fun to walk with a friend! I also spotted 3 pennies behind a chain link fence.


Those would have to wait until Doc returned with the back scratcher tool I keep under the car seat for just such a need. 8 pennies found. Plus Doc had found one penny after dropping me off as he was leaving the lot and then another penny and a quarter when he returned. (Coins #9-12). That was a profitable stop.

The coins found at the high school got our temperatures rising! We just had to stop at the 7-11 to search. Doc walked right over 2 pennies in the parking lot which I found (Coins #13&14),. No coins found in the store. As we were leaving, a gentleman and young man held the double doors open for Doc and I to walk through. There was the shiniest penny right on the threshold! (Coin #15) I paused, picked up the penny, thanked them for holding the doors open, gave the lad a business card and said, “Thank you so much for being a part of Day #337 Penny Tale”. A moment of Shared Joy.


We finally made it to the grocery store. Doc paused for a moment to look around the check out area and coin counting machine. I asked him if there was a reason he was not picking up the very shiny penny at his feet? He had not noticed it! (Good thing it was not a snake). (Coin #16)

I looked quickly at the check out area. Spotted a dime and was walking toward it. A lady in an electric cart hopped up and grabbed it! I saw a second dime and hoped she would not see it. She did and took that one too! Bummer. Foregone coins.

Doc retrieved one shiny penny from the coin chute as we were paying. (Coin #17). Then at the door he said, “Is that a coin?” I replied, “No, that is trash. However, right next to that is a nickel!” (Coin #18)

When we were back in the car, Doc shifted into reverse as the car next to us also left. Rats if there wasn’t a penny there. Park the car again, retrieve the coin (Coin #19)


Now we were getting silly. It was Saturday night and we were having fun. Both of us were also avoiding going home. He was supposed to be grading quizzes and I was supposed to crank out another page for the PennyFinders Guidebook. Penny Hunting was much more fun.

We stopped at the Shell gas station to hunt. None at the pump area and none spotted in the small convenience store. But then I spotted a lonely penny on the bottom shelf in a mostly empty box for mint rolls. (Coin #20).


Doc was dismayed that he had fewer coins than I did, so Doc next detoured into a CVS pharmacy. He claims it was a nice place to walk and log 2,000 more steps for today. I know it is because he had found fewer coins than I did. Upon entering the store he veered right and I went left. He had a penny within a few seconds (Coin #21). From the doorway I spotted two beautiful, shiny new log house pennies by the cash register. A very tall, gorgeously dressed lady was standing there in 4-5” spiked heels. Now how was I going to approach this? I waited for a few minutes, but got impatient. So I quickly dove in, grabbed the coins, and said, (all in one breath) “God’s 2¢ worth for today, I write Penny Tales, you’ve just witnessed a Find on Day #337, here’s my business card, have a nice day” and I continued walking. (Coins #22&23)

Doc found anoher penny by the back door (Coin #24) so we were two and two at that stop.


This was turing out to be a Penny Hunting safari.

Doc pulled into Carl’s Jr. 3 Pennies and one burger at that drive through (Coins #25-27).

We really wanted a dime to Hit for the Cycle. So Doc drove through the Starbucks. Zero coins, just one coffee. We did share the story with the really nice cashier. Lots of Shared Joy.

At the next stop Doc searched the Rite Aid while I walked to Carl’s (yes, another one). I kept saying dime, dime, dime, dime. Found 3 silver washers the size of dimes. Close, but they don’t count. I found one penny in a parking spot while waiting for the lone car at the window to leave. (Coin #28) When the SUV finally moved aside, I walked through. Nothing L So I turned around and walked back - finding two pennies where I had just passed! Mushroom coins. (Coins #29&30)


l You must get off your … computer … and move in order to find coins.

l You snooze, you lose.

l Even with eyes wide open, we don’t see the obvious blessings in front of us.

Today’s Total: 30 coins P (28), N (1), D (0), Q (1) = $0.58

Friday, November 20, 2009

Day #336 - Make a Difference

Another day of incredible Penny Finds and stories from people on today’s excursion.


Pickup Named:

This morning I took my pickup truck back to the paint shop for one last part to be finished off. It looks great! People have definitely noticed the copper colored truck.

I decided to call her Pippy. (Pip for short). At first I was trying to find a foreign word meaning copper or penny or something like that. No luck. So this week I was driving and thinking: Penelope, Peppy, Tippy (my first dog), Pippi Longstocking (who has red/copper hair and is mischievous, unconventional, assertive and extraordinarily strong.) Mush it together to get PIPPY.

There were two pennies (really, really beat up ones which had been there a while) at the diner drive through next to the paint shop. We were told that place has been closed for months. I had carefully searched it last time I was at the paint shop and had found a penny at that time as well. (At a shut down business). (Pennies #1&2)


Remember the note about my neighbor who died (Special Update on Nov 14)? This morning Doc and I were on our way to the funeral. We were making a U-Turn and Doc saw a washer in the median (close Honey, but it does not count). Then he spotted the penny and hopped out - even in his suit and dress shoes. Pretty funny. (Penny #3) Then we were making the left turn for the church and Doc saw “a shiny”. Moving too quickly to determine nickel or quarter. After the service we went back for the nickel (Coin #4).

The funeral service was amazing. To us he was a great neighbor and nice, old guy. It was truly touching to hear how many lives he had influenced in so many ways. May we strive to leave such a legacy to our children, grandchildren, friends, coworkers and others.

Thought: This man sure made a difference

Nacho’s daughter shared that recently Nacho had given her husband a treasured watch (which was not working). Lisa felt Nacho’s passing and KNEW it had happened. The watch began working. And it was at the correct time! (Minus one hour since she lives in a different time zone).


We stopped for a few moments at school to fetch something. As we were walking back to the car we were just chit chatting having a good time. There was a very shiny coin in our path. (Coin #5) We found it just as a very special professor (Sutton) was walking past. He is known as the Dick Clark of the College. (He looks the same in his photos from 40 years ago as he does now). Even Doc had him as a professor when he attended CPP in the 60s! This man just Radiates positive energy and has touched thousands and thousands of students and others.

Thought: This man has sure made a difference.


Next, I had to make a quick stop at a store which was going out of business. ( I had a gift card to spend there.) Doc went to Carl’s Jr. for a burger and a penny and a dime. (Coins #6&7).

After that it was home for lots of phone calls to make positive progress on several of the active projects. Good stuff!


At 7:30 Doc demanded a feeding break. We ran over to the local Mexican diner. There was a super shiny, new Lincoln Professional Life penny shining like a beacon on the dark floor mat as we walked in. (Coin #8).

I was eating way too many chips while waiting for our dinner, so I walked to the convenience store next door as a diversionary tactic. There were two pennies by the register as I walked in. (Coins #9&10). The cashier, Vicky was so great! We talked of Penny Angels, kids and people who make a difference. She said 3 months ago she had lost her job and was down to $2. She bought a taco at a drive through window and found her meal had been paid for by the man in front of her! Pay it Forward!

Thought: That man sure made a difference.


Oops! I almost forgot. Remember I said Tuesday I got a quote from a graphics and book design guy (Chaz)? He should have no doubt about taking on this project. Here is his email from this afternoon. (The Penny Angels are talking to him directly!)

I'm at the seminar I told you about. After the lunch break I returned to my seat and I couldn't believe what was right in front of me next to my book, pen and notepad! It's in my pocket now, and will be the first I place in my Penny Passport.

Making a Difference = making a CHANGE

Today’s Total: 10 coins P (8), N (1), D (1), Q (0) = $0.23