My nieces are here for a two-night
sleepover. We have about 34 waking hours
to conquer everything on our “to do” lists.
When Ashley (age 14) was asked what SHE would like to do, her reply was,
”Whatever”. Jamie (age 11) was determined
to do two things FOR SURE – go to Rockin’ Jump trampoline park and go Penny
Uncle Doc and I picked up the girls
yesterday precisely at 10 a.m. One of
the first stops was a sentimental visit to Chuck E Cheese’s where we used to
take them when they were young. Next a
stop at Sprouts where each girl was given $10 to buy some snacks for the rest
of the trip, then they “checked in” at the Penny Palace. Uncle Doc took a nap, then it was off to 2+
hours at the trampoline park. Don’t know
how they could do some of those maneuvers – and to do it for hours!
Of course the girls were starving
after all that exercise, so dinner was next, followed by the movie Anne of
Green Gables.
A pretty nice haul yesterday: 9P, 3N, 4D, 5Q and 16 Chuck E Cheese tokens
(worth 25¢ each).
That made
three Hits for the Cycle on Day #1.
Hit for the Cycle = Penny, Nickel, Dime, Quarter
This is Day #2 of our
adventure. Jamie asked what my record
was for Hits for a Cycle in ONE day. I
told her “four”. She said she was going
to beat that today!
We went coin searching in the
morning. Found coins at the grocery
store, car wash, 7-11, etc. A total of
15 P, 4 N, 6 D, and 7 Q! WOW! That made FOUR Hits for the cycle.
This afternoon we did the Big
City Scavenger Hunt in Riverside.
That was a neat experience. We
were looking for clues and for coins.

This afternoon we collected 8 P,
1 N, and 2D.
That set a new record of FIVE Hits for the Cycle in One Day. (Just two more nickels would have made it
seven HFC).
EIGHT Hits for the Cycle in two days! Pretty Exciting!
Lessons: Always Strive to be Better
Set High
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