We were anticipating a day at the Orange County Children’s Book Festival. http://www.kidsbookfestival.com/
Doc drove through Starbucks before we got on the freeway. That was the longest line of cars I have seen there. I walked through the shopping center lots both East and West of Starbucks while Doc waited in the line. Finally we got to the speaker to place the order and found a dirt penny. (Coin #1) Zero coins at the window area - a big disappointment for me after waiting in such a long line. (Although Doc enjoyed his coffee). While stopped at a red light before getting on the freeway, Doc looked at the Median strip. Sure enough! There was a penny which he hopped out to retrieve. (Coin #2).
We borrowed the Twins and Ashley as our “cover” for attending the fair. J Also, this was a rescheduled play date from last Wednesday when our Aussie guests were here. As we approached the festival, Doc was again stopped at a red light and looking at the median strip. He quietly said to me, “There’s one out there.” That was followed by one of those non-verbal conversations: “Do I get the penny?” “That’s probably not a good example for the kids”. “The light just turned red, so there’s time”. “What the heck!” So we told the kids about Doc’s specialty in Penny Finding - Median pennies. And then he hopped out to get it. (Coin #3). Of course the kids were all wanting to see it. They were bickering and keeping it from one another - until Brandon slipped it into the window gasket. Someday in a junkyard somewhere, that penny might be found if the door is disassembled.
Lesson: “If you are careless with your money, you are likely to lose it.”
Also, “If you try to keep your money away from others, it is likely to
disappear. Money is meant to be shared and used for good things, not fought over”.
When we entered the Book festival, the first Book and Author we saw was “The Power of a Penny” by Elaina Redmond. I couldn’t resist stopping and talking to the Author. The kids were really hungry for lunch, so I quickly bought the book, had it autographed and we exchanged business cards for further discussions. www.thepowerofthepenny.com I am anxious to read the book.
We had a nice lunch, then I took Brandon and Ashley to the stage show while Nic hung out with Uncle Doc. They found three pennies in the picnic table area - one penny per kid. (Coins #4-6).

We spent a few minutes petting Wilma - a 14 ft. Python.
The kids wanted to play outdoors in a park somewhere, so we discovered Centennial Park in Santa Ana. Huge lake and play areas

Next we needed to pick up those Glamour Shot photos which Norma and I had taken a few weeks ago. Doc is anxious to see them … Which he doesn’t get to do until his chores are done tonight ;-)
We were all hungry again. Great dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. Then Penny #7 as we were walking through the Mall and back to the car. So that made Five Pennies while the Five of us were together today - one penny each.
It was a great day as usual with the kids, but we did need to return them. Hugs and goodnights.
As Doc and I were driving home, we counted 7 pennies saying “Nice Number, but only pennies”.
We were close to home when we realized we needed lunch fixings. Quick detour to Trader Joes for some salads - and one penny. (Coin #8)
Then another quick stop at the grocery store for a few more items. Two pennies noticed as I walked into the store with a nickel at the next check out aisle. Seven cents there. (Coins # 9-11).
A nice family day of Learning and Growing together.
Today’s Total: 11 coins P (10), N (1), D(0), Q(0) = 15¢
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