No one seems to doubt that I will find coins for the next 10 days. So why do you doubt that YOU can Find for ONE or TWO days?
Today’s Finding:
Busy work day so no time to look for coins. Just before leaving I realized I’d better make at least a quick attempt to Find. Took a quick 10-minute walk over to the Marketplace and collected two pennies at the Carl’s Jr. area (Coins #1-2). Good, I could relax the rest of the evening.
Today was our scheduled December Play Date with my niece and nephews. Four hours of sheer delight. So many people are out frantically spending money buying toys and gadgets for Christmas gifts. Kids don’t need more stuff. Their rooms and yards are overflowing with STUFF. They crave your time and attention. You can create a whole afternoon of jam packed joy, activities, and learning which is both fun and free! Priceless Memories.

We arrived at their house at 4 PM to begin our adventure. As we were driving we talked about school and their various activities. Of course we asked the Penny Angels to come along and play with us. 4:10 Our first stop was the gas station. We opened the van door, hopped out, and there was a penny at our feet. That was a good start. Doc also found a penny on his side of the van. (Coins #3 & 4 for the day.).
Doc fuelled the van while we went to the pet store. What fun to look at all the birds, dogs, fish, crabs, lizards, snakes, mice, guinea pigs, etc. We learned their names and observed their beauty. Free, yet Priceless.
Doc managed to find two quarters and a slug at the newspaper stands before he found us at the pet store. (Coins #5 & 6) By now we all had Penny Fever. We ventured into Trader Joes groceries to look for coins. Ashley collected a penny and Brandon a dime. (Coins #7 & 8).
By now the kids were anxious to go to their chosen place - Jump ‘n Jammin. Envision a large-scale version of a McDonalds play area - plastic tunnels, slides, foam balls, an inflated jump house and fun. We began playing at 5 PM and by 5:15 I was pooped! The kids wanted TIME together. Going down slides and throwing balls and hanging and jumping and … I kept telling them the tubes and climbing areas were not designed for the hips of a mature adult woman! They didn’t seem to comprehend that. Knee clearances were also not taken into account. Ouch! Bruises tomorrow!

I did not even bother to look for coins there. The employees were constantly wiping and disinfecting things. Plus, what kids would be having coins in their pockets to lose? Plus, with all those little people so close to the ground, they would surely find any wayward change. WRONG again! One of the twins had to use the bathroom and on the way, I spotted a penny! (Coin #9) It was next to a father who was working on his laptop while the kids were playing. So, of course I gave him a business card as we retrieved the penny.
While we were jumpin’ Doc was walking the mall for steps (and coffee). He collected a penny at the French Crepes station, then a dime and penny at the CafĂ© d’Italia. (Coins #10-12). He said that was in keeping with the “Going Abroad” message from yesterday.
At 6 PM when J&J closed, the kids asked to go next door into the shopping mall to the bookstore! We spent an hour there. Free, yet Priceless.
By 7 PM I was hungry! The kids wanted Mongolian BBQ - with Noodles. Fun and fairly healthy. OK. Doc and Nicolas found a penny while ordering the meal. (Coin #13) PennyFinding - Free Fun. Feeding growing kids - not Free. J
After dinner the guys headed off one way while Ashley and I went another. We ran into the guys as they were getting sweet pretzels. Then the kids played on some new 60 degree scooters. Free Fun. Next the guys went to the game store and were entertained, informed, given Free game pieces, and invited back.
The drive to and from our destinations is always part of the adventure as well. One Twin gets to be Navigator in the passenger seat with Uncle Doc as pilot. I then have cuddle time in the back seat of the van with the other Twin. We talk about whatever they want to. We also review their weekly spelling words and make up silly sentences or methods to remember unusual spellings. Free, yet Priceless.
8:05 PM On the way home we drove down several streets looking at Christmas decorations. Free Show.
8:15 Doc dropped us off two blocks from their home and we had a flashlight walk. Free, yet Priceless.
As we were saying our goodnights, the kids were hugging and kissing us and saying “Wish you could come every week”.
Think of the special people in your life. (Either at home, school, or work). What Valuable Memories can you create with them?
Even a silly ARK (Act of Random Kindness) can generate at least a smile.
Thought: In this time of “Giving”, teach the value of sharing JOY, not giving Things.
Today’s Total: 13 coins P (9), N (0), D (2), Q (2) = $0.79
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