
In March 2008 I began Finding Pennies. In December 2008 I began sharing these "Penny Tales" with a few close friends. They encouraged me to blog the Penny Tales such that more people could enjoy the Adventures with Penny Angels.

Please visit the website:

Joyfully, Tina

Monday, July 20, 2009

Day #213 - Race Results

It was Day #2 of our mini-vacation in Escondido - a second day of whirlwind Penny Finding. We ate leftovers plus waffles at the hotel before heading out to the Wild Animal Park. We stopped at Rite Aid to investigate the back pack I had noticed the day before (50% off). I found one penny in the planter on the way into the store, then another one inside. Doc found his two pennies outside. So we each had our two cents worth and should have been satisfied. (Pennies #1-4)

We were stopped at a busy intersection when we both saw a bright shiny spot in the road ahead of us. I said: “No, Doc. You wouldn’t. It’s too busy. He pulled into a gas station and had me run back. I did not see anything on the first pass through the intersection. He began coming across the street when I finally found the abused penny. (Coin #5). “May we now please proceed to the Wild Animal Park?”


In the Park we had a great time on a small tour. While we were waiting for the tour, I headed to the gift shop to look for coins again. Nothing. Outside I stopped to overlook the view and found a dime. A little girl found a penny near the schmush machine. Her mom scolded her when she picked it up L. After the tour we went back to that gift shop / café for lunch and I retrieved a dime.

At the core of the Park Doc stopped to admire the impressive waterfall and found a penny at the base of the sign . This was a great photo opportunity.

Coins #7-9 inside the Park


We left the Park and just for fun, we headed to the town of Ramona. Stopped at the liquor store for coins. One penny in the parking lot. (Coin #10). I bought a beverage. The total was $1.84. I was given 2 dimes for my change from $2.00 So should the extra 4¢ count as a find? J

Next we embarked on a Fast Food Tour. This gives new meaning to a Fast Food lunch.

The first stop was Wendys - no coins. Then the McDonalds drive through P(3), D(1). We parked at Burger King to eat the McD burger - P(2). Daniels Express for snack veggies and an apple (Tina’s food). I missed the penny on the initial pass. Doc found 2. A penny at the AM/PM by the air hose.


We were at 19 coins at that point. Doc said: “We should have 25 coins before we get back to the freeway”. The time was 3:21 p.m. when he issued that statement. We had 6-8 miles to get 6 more coins.

We visited the McDonalds which provided 13 coins the previous night. I didn’t expect to find more. Wrong. There were 3 pennies, a nickel and a dime. (Coins #20-24). We needed only 1 more coin to meet Doc’s challenge.

Doc parked at Carl’s Jr. to eat his McD burger. There were no cars at the drive through, so I carefully searched the window area 3 times. Nothing. Doc got out of the van and walked

over to collect coin #25! The time was 3:43 . So that was 6 coins in 22 minutes which is better than yesterday’s find rate of 12/ 60 minutes.

We stopped at the convenience store / laundrymat which Doc felt “nudged to check” each time we had driven past it. No coins inside. Outside there was one penny behind the water dispensing machine and one underneath it. Tools needed (see photo). Good thing I put that backscratcher in the car for just such a purpose. (Coins #26&27)


At 5 p.m. we stopped for a break at Tom’s Farms off the 15 freeway. Doc spotted a penny as he opened the van door. He put the coin in the van, then spotted a dime. He put that cion in the van and spotted another penny! Quite the Pro now! He challenged me saying: “I have more than you here”. I replied: “Meet you in 20 minutes. The Challenge is on! Let’s see who can get the most”.

I found 2 at the air hose/phone at the AM/PM, then 2 more in parking spots and one at the register. Two coins at the Carl’s Jr. - one could be a contestant in the Ugliest Penny Contest.

Doc had found one more penny - so he now had 4 coins with a value of 13¢. I had 7 coins for 7¢ So who is the winner? He had the most value, I had the most number of coins.

Inside the store, Doc found two more coins (as well as some great cheeses). That makes 13 coins for that stop.


Today’s total: 40 Coins Q (0), D (5), N(1), P (34) = $0.89

P.S. Doc proofread the main part of this Penny Tale. I couldn't resist throwing in this photo as a P.S. :-) It's cute. Doc is standing in front of that darker image which is a depiction of a life-size gorilla.

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