Last night around 9 PM, I sat down to write the Daily Penny Tale. I woke up 10 hours later …
This morning we again worked in the yard for 2.5 hours until the heat made it miserably uncomfortable (and we got awfully grumpy). I spent most of the day working on a homework assignment due tomorrow. At 6 PM I realized that I only had 3,800 steps on my pedometer. I had been sitting on my butt at the computer all afternoon. Of course there were the numerous trips to the kitchen for snack breaks, lunch, nibblings, nervous eating, foraging, homework avoidance munching, etc. (That was how I got the steps to that point). Sitting around and eating all day - not a healthy combination.
It was time to take action! I needed pennies and steps! Doc had found one penny at the hardware store when he went for sprinkler repair parts in the afternoon. (Coin #1) One coin was not enough for today.
I headed to the High School for Coin Finding and to walk 5,000 Steps. Doc dropped me off and headed for Starbucks. I retrieved the first penny before Doc had even driven away. Great! First objective met. (Coin #2). The next penny was found after 5 minutes in a wide crack in a sidewalk (Coin #3)
Next I headed to the student parking lot. There was Penny #4 at the passenger loading area. (Eleven minutes into the walk). Pennies #5 and #6 a few minutes later. Losing daylight so walking faster. I had only completed 2,300 steps, but had found a loose marble! (Had I previously lost it?) J Dime (Coin #7) at 19 minutes into the walk. Another penny (Coin #8) found while talking to Doc as he called to ask what I needed from the grocery store.
I really enjoy the “Share” part of Penny Finding, but the school was deserted. So I created a SingSong as I walked through the lot:
Penny Angels, Penny Angels what do you say?
Are we going to include Other people today?
The nearby skateboard park closed and all the kids emerged. Most of them immediately departed, but a cluster of five remained and were “hanging”. I actually had the thought, “Penny Angels - Wouldn’t it be incredible if these boys were to find a coin?”
As I walked briskly past, one of them said “Hi!” That caught me by surprise, but was the perfect chance to enthusiastically say (while continuing to walk away) “Hi! I’m out Penny Finding and today is Day #282!” I heard numerous comments (which I won’t repeat), but

suffice it to say they were typical snide teenage boy talk. When I was at least 100 feet away, I heard “We have a penny here! Or maybe it’s a dime! And they were pointing at the ground!”
What fun. I returned and Shared with them about Penny Tales. One of the young lads shared an incredible penny story which he had. More Shared Joy! I had left my camera in the car, so we summoned Doc to come take a picture. (Coin #9). See photo.
I had planned only to go out only for the walk, but realized we needed some lunch fixings for the upcoming week. Next stop: Trader Joe’s.
When we first walked in, Doc searched the check out lines to find a nickel. (Coin #10). As we were in line to check out, he spotted a blob from about 15 feet and motioned for me to investigate. In order not to look too weird and bold, I took a circuitous route. Found an unexpected penny along that route and then the blob turned out to be a penny as well. (Coins #11&12). Shared Penny Tales and a business card with the Cashier.
We were almost out of the store when I spotted a nickel at a different check out line. (Coin #13) It was under the counter between the sandaled feet of two ladies. It would be really awkward to just reach down between their ankles, so I waited for the first one to finish her transaction and move away. She did not. The two were evidently shopping together. I “read” their faces and felt they would be receptive. I chose to be bold … “Hello Ladies (while putting a business card on the counter for them). I write daily Penny Tales, so if you’ll excuse me I’m reaching for this coin for today’s story!” They smiled. One of the ladies shared how she walks every day (showing me her pedometer) and finds lots of coins. We exchanged some additional conversation while exiting the store. Shared JOY!
While Doc was waiting outside, he found a penny by the picnic tables. (Coin #14)
Doc said I didn’t have enough steps yet, so at the next shopping center he dropped me off on one side and instructed me to hike to the other end. I did not find any coins - even around the Munchie Shack. Doc drove around and hopped out periodically to check around the newspaper stands and other likely areas. He used his car headlights (while I walked in the dark) to find another penny. (Coin #15)
Today’s Total: 15 coins P (11), N (2), D (2), Q (0) = 41¢ + one loose marble
Lesson: Too much play time (Penny Finding) so I don’t have my homework done yet. Next time: Work before Play!
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