Doc really likes to go out for breakfast, so he made me go with him this morning. The office next to the restaurant we had chosen has been boarded up for a long time. We found a penny out in front of it last year. This morning as we walked by the deserted building Doc said, “There couldn’t be any coins in front of that place now.” As we were walking past, Doc said, “There is a dark round spot. No, it couldn’t be a coin?” As I bent to retrieve it, there was another penny, then another! We turned to walk away and spotted a fourth penny next to a column. Improbable Finds (Coins #1-4).

After breakfast we stopped at a nearby shopping center. As Doc parked and looked out his window, he said, “Penny on the white line.” I went into the office supply store and found one quarter in a checkout lane, then proceeded outside where I spent a few moments playing with a gorgeous dog. Meanwhile Doc went into the CVS to take his blood pressure reading in the pharmacy area. He found one of the shiny new Lincoln Log House pennies. (Coins #5-7).
I thought we were heading straight home so I could work on Exam preparations. Doc detoured through the high school parking lot. He looked by the entrance to the skateboard park since we had found that Coin Mine there last week. (Day #386). Sure enough! There was a penny, then another, then another (Coins #8-10). Improbable Finds.
Doc insisted upon cruising the parking lot. We found two more pennies. (Coins #11&12).
This morning there were blue skies and the weather was gorgeous. This afternoon storm clouds moved in and heavy rains are being forecast for the next few days. Doc headed to Starbucks for a coffee. I thought, “Doc keeps taking all these breaks ‘cause it makes him feel good. What things could I do to get that same ‘high’ other than eating chocolate”? I decided to set a timer, grab a bucket, hand shovel, and gloves, then head outside before the rains started. For 15 minutes I weeded and gave TLC to the neighbor’s yard. I planted “Adrian’s corner” two years ago for our neighbor whose teenage son was killed in a motorcycle accident. That gave her pretty flowers to see each time she drove into her driveway. It had been a few months since I had tended to that corner. As soon as the timer alarm went off, the rains began. Nice timing.
Note: Doc and I did play the Red Light game. Just frivolity and expressing thanks. That’s like when you were a kid, playing Red Light / Green Light.
Today’s Total: 12 coins P (11), N (0), D (0), Q (1) = $0.36
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