There was plenty of rain today, so I thought it would be a quiet day at the Penny Palace. Definitely NOT the case. There was an Outpouring of activities.
Shortly before I arrived on site, the delivery truck driver said he would arrive much earlier than scheduled. Yikes! That meant Daryl and Scott would not yet be there to help off load all the doors. Was not expecting anyone else to be working at the site.

There were people working on site. Pete Jr. the painter was busy on site removing all the protective paper on the trusses. The Grand Room looked like a confetti-littered street after a Macy’s Day parade! There were two guys scratch coating the fireplace. They were mixing the sand and additive outside in the rain, then carrying the loaded 5 gallon buckets inside.
When the doors arrived we had to move quickly so they would not get damaged. I pleaded for people to set down their tools and help. They did.
Daryl arrived to help out with the last of the doors. (Great timing as usual). Then the pallets of flooring arrived. Framer Danny came by to pick up some of the leftover huge beams. Stucco Uncle came to deliver the decorative foam for the belly bands and window trim. Neighbor Craig came over to provide a quote on baseboard and casing molding. The Porta Potty company came and did their cleaning. And that was all completed by 1 p.m. so everyone left.
It had been raining lightly all morning, but then the rain got heavier. The water was cascading off the roof valleys and down the fronts of several doors and windows. I tried to divert some of the water which was puddling against the house. There was nothing I could do but watch and hope the storm wouldn’t last for too many hours. Thankfully the roofing paper seemed to protect the interior. Anxious to get those roof tiles on! We definitely are going to need some gutters.
By late afternoon I was thoroughly drenched, exhausted, very muddy, hungry and cold. I just wanted to go home to a bowl of soup and warm shower. That was not to happen. I did stop at 7-11 before getting on the freeway, just to have something in my stomach. One penny there (Coin #1)
When I arrived home there were numerous emails and phone calls which had to be dealt with immediately. So much for that shower or soup.
Doc didn’t arrive home until around 9 p.m. He had two pennies which he had found at the vending machines. We didn’t talk much. He had papers to grade and I had much to do in preparation for tomorrow.
Total: 3 Pennies
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