There was no mail in our mailbox today. When I questioned that, I was told today was a holiday? Certainly not at the Penny Palace.

I arrived at the jobsite at 8:15. Did not even get a chance to move away from my truck before being summoned regarding the belly band around the house. We reduced the size of some of the windows and that has now thrown off the lines on the belly bands. It took some creative compromising to make things look good again.
Tile Bob and Tony began working early this morning. When I arrived, they were just finishing the wire mesh in the first bathroom. There were several discussions today with them on the details of the tubs and showers.
It was the first day on site for the Finish Carpenters David and Matthew. They hung many of the doors and taught me several things.
The Lo-Boy dumpster Finally was hauled off. We had been requesting that for 10 days.
Somewhat glad the painting crew did not work today. There was enough going on and I was having trouble answering everyone’s questions, listening to instructions, cleaning up trash and keeping my Action Items list going.

It was fun to have twirly flower back up and running. (See yesterday’s story).
“After work” when the gates were shut at 4 p.m., I headed to the tile shops. At the first one, I ordered the ‘penny tile’ which I had seen Friday. The tile just shouts “Pennies” and so I had to find some small place to incorporate it.
Next it was back to the tile store where I had seen the Medallion. I asked if they had an electronic file so I could play with the color scheme? “They do things the old-fashioned way and don’t do things on the computer”. I asked for Angel assistance. Two hours later I had an incoming email from Barak with the medallion design. So what CHANGED?
On the way home I stopped to fuel Pippy. One penny at the gas station.
Total: 1 Penny
Reminder: The Angels do not think ‘impossible’ like we do. I love it when they jump in and help.
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