Today I was expecting quite a number of the trades to be working. Thus, I was rushing to get to the jobsite. At the very first major intersection, the light turned red right in front of me. Drats! I was sitting there anxious to proceed, when a ‘nudging hit’. “See the KFC across the intersection? Go look for today’s coin”. When the signal turned green, I proceeded. I had not even parked the truck when I spotted a beautiful shiny Penny. Thanks Angels. As long as I was parked, I quickly walked through the drive up area. Three shiny pennies found there as well. (Coins #1-4).
There was so much happening at the Penny Palace. There were 8 different trades on site and Working Together.
Tile Crew: Dolphin placed in Aussie shower stall. Garden tub scratch coated.
Deck Crew: Master deck clean up
HVAC: Installing and caulking ceiling registers
Masonry: Stone veneer on garden arbor
Framing: Installation of planter boxes and exterior truss web pieces.
Finish Carpenters: Removal and replacement of all hinges on the doors
Solar: Outlined area for panels and worked with Roofers
Roofing crew: Prep work, tiles laid on driveway side of house.
Electrical was expected, but all the parts did not arrive. Will now work Monday.
Stucco crew was expected to take down scaffolding, but was asked to delay that so Framing could use it.
Painters were not working, not sure why.
Being out there with the various crews was such fun. It was like an orchestra where each member was working together in perfect harmony. At one time or another, each of them would seek me out for questions or clarification which made me thankful of having the leave of absence from work in order to address the issues which arose.
Doc spent the day Working Together with one of the College Distinguished Alumni. They were cleaning and prepping the solar car which had been in storage for nearly 15 years! They had to deal with a thick layer of cobwebs, rat droppings and dust, both inside and outside of the car. As Doc was vacuuming the cockpit, he discovered a penny! And it was a 1995 one - which was the last year we rayced that car. (Doc #1)
Doc found a second penny when returning to the lab from the bicycle shop. He had new rubber mounted on the solar car wheels. (Doc #2)

This weekend Doc had 366 student midterm pages to grade. Thus we decided to grab a suitcase, pack up the dogs, and head to the cabin to work there. There is no TV, computer, phone or other such distractions so that we could focus on grading papers. Doc hoped to entice me into Working Together with him and making much progress.
It was 9:30 p.m. We were parked in our driveway with the car engine running and ready to depart when three raccoons scrambled right in front of us! In our 30 years of living here, we had never seen raccoons at our house. What a great way to begin our weekend.
Total: 6 Pennies
Orchestra??? I heard hammers tapping and saws cutting and grout scraping!!! Where are the violins? This is like the musicians tuning their instruments before they play! ;)
I’ve seen them at the fairgrounds, and they were BIG.
For us Engineers, This IS MUSIC to our ears!
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