Today started very much like any other day … Doc pulled into McDonald's for coffee and breakfast, while I hopped out and searched the nearby self-serve car wash. I was expecting today to be a Special Day, so I did a SingSong: “Good Morning Penny Angels won’t you come out to play …” Immediately there was a penny in my path. As I bent to retrieve it, there was another, and another … A total of 7 coins in that spot. (Coins #1-7) I laughed and said: “Thank You so much for that. It will make for a good story tonight. Seven is a nice, spiritual number”. But then I got just a little sassy: “Angels, if you really want to prove that you are involved in this crazy journey, you’ll throw in a quarter somewhere today. 25 has been the Special number throughout this project, so a Quarter would emphasize that ‘coincidence’”.
As I typed that sentence just now, our front doorbell rang. That led to a 20 minute detour and a beautiful COINcidence. I’ll need to type that story separately.
Doc was not yet through the McDonald's line, so I ventured to the nearby fast food diner and collected 2 pennies at that drive-up window. (Coins #8&9).

What a day at the Penny Palace. Doc and I expected to be alone other than a brief visit by the City Inspector. Wrong!
As soon as I arrived, Neighbor Craig walked over saying, “I heard you need a little more dirt.” (An email request I had sent out last night). “I have a pile right there on my driveway which you can have today.” Talk about Manifesting!
Doc and I planned to stain some concrete areas before the Inspector arrived at 9 a.m. and before the day got too warm. Shortly after we arrived, Miguel and Serafin appeared to power wash that concrete. They weren’t expected until tomorrow!

Mike, the City Inspector arrived. He did a brief walk through the house and asked for the card so he could officially Sign Off. Funding Inspector, Alex arrived! Such Joy. We have grown quite fond of him and hope to keep in touch in the coming years as he completes his Architectural degree. He completed his final inspection also.

Then, Project Manager, Daryl arrived, and a few minutes later, Handyman George dropped in unexpectedly. So we had one heck of a Signing Party!
We hung a 10 ft. banner (which I painted yesterday) across the front of the house. It reads: “We have Sign Off! Next … the Cleaning Phase”. Within an hour we had new guests. Neighbors walking past the house gave a thumbs up and shouted: “Congratulations and Welcome”!
Dick and Kathy introduced themselves and I invited them in to tour the Penny Palace. Our first guests since the house was “official”. Such JOY! They left saying, “This home is very Special and has personality”. No kidding!

Window washing Brian continued his diligent efforts to give us clean views.
Doc and I made numerous phone calls to announce the “Birth of our Baby” and to say Thanks to so many people who made it happen.
Handyman George returned with friends Ramon and Robert to share the PP with them. More Shared JOY.
Friend, Mandy, heard the news and dropped in with a hug and housewarming gift.
Landscaper Rod delivered our 'as built' drawings for the irrigation systems. He also gave us brief instructions on pruning and caring for some of the plants.
I wasn’t getting a whole lot of work completed this afternoon, but that’s OK. It’s taken 30 years of dreaming and working toward this day.

At 4 p.m. we locked up the Penny Palace. Our first stop was son Stephen’s house where he had a Celebratory cup of coffee ready for Doc. We returned his borrowed tile saw saying, “Tile work done!”
Our next stop was a grocery store. There was one ooey, gooey penny by a vending machine. (Coin #10). Then in the check out line there was a coin I did not recognize - it was a coin from Kuwait! Travel on the horizon? (Coin #11)
The sun was setting on a lovely day. Doc asked if I wanted to go out to dinner or do something to Celebrate this momentous milestone? I said I would rather go home and take a nap! He suggested we a least “go for a sunset cruise”. So we detoured a few hundred yards from the grocery store and cruised the high school parking lot. I was not seeing any coins, when Doc exclaimed: “There’s a penny!” (Coin #12). He then spotted another blob. I told him it was nothing. He argued. I investigated. It was a Quarter! (Coin #13) Suddenly I remembered my Challenge to the Angels this morning: “If you really want to validate your existence, you will send a Quarter today!” I stood there awestruck. I told Doc the story. He was amazed. I hopped back in the van and we were preparing to leave the lot. Doc again spotted something. I told him it was a blob. Wrong. It was a second quarter. (Coin #14) If ONE quarter proves the existence of the Penny Angels, then what does TWO mean? Those Angels are incredible. There was one more penny as we were leaving - just to encourage the “Penny Tales”. (Coin #15).
I’m glad we stayed home this evening because there was a young man, Alex, who came to the front door and it was a beautiful encounter. (See separate story).
Total: 15 Coins P (12), N (0), D (0), Q (2) + one foreign = $0.62 + Kuwait 5 Fil
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