
In March 2008 I began Finding Pennies. In December 2008 I began sharing these "Penny Tales" with a few close friends. They encouraged me to blog the Penny Tales such that more people could enjoy the Adventures with Penny Angels.

Please visit the website:

Joyfully, Tina

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day #202 - No More PENNIES

Today was somewhat of an “average” Penny Finding day. I went to the Fitness Center and found a penny on the sidewalk of the Circle K next door. Today’s Penny was found; I was content. (Penny #1)

I headed off to work. Doc announced he was headed to Starbucks to find HIS penny. He did not find one going into the store or while there. He found it while exiting. (Penny #2).

Early in the afternoon Doc called to say he had been to McDonalds for lunch. He found a dime and two pennies at the first window, then two shiny pennies at the second window. (Coins #3-7). I begged him, “Please, Honey - no more pennies today! I want a short story to write tonight, not a novel!”

Late this afternoon I was in the campus bookstore and telling two employees about Penny Tales. Sue shared how she collects coins to pay for airfare to visit her husband’s grave. We must have talked for 10 minutes. As I turned to leave, she looked down to find a penny! Mushroom Coin.

At 5 p.m. Doc called from the store. They did not have the plumbing part I need to do toilet repairs this weekend. L Doc asked, “Shall I go next door to the 99¢ store and look for coins or anything else?” I vehemently said, “No, No, NO!” His reply, “Too late, I’m here and there is a dime under the chips rack”. (Coin #8)

When I arrived home there was another love note waiting - this time on a paper towel. There were the coins from McDonalds and the 99¢ store, PLUS another two dimes from the grocery store and another dime from Starbucks. (Coin #9-11). I did tell him no more PENNIES - so he found DIMES instead!

Doc likes to play with the numbers and found this interesting:

Count: 11 coins: 5 dimes + 6 pennies

Value: 56¢ 5 + 6 = 11

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I like hearing about how other people already do PennyFinding in their own special ways... the lady who collects them to pay for travel... that was a neat story! - Mandy