
In March 2008 I began Finding Pennies. In December 2008 I began sharing these "Penny Tales" with a few close friends. They encouraged me to blog the Penny Tales such that more people could enjoy the Adventures with Penny Angels.

Please visit the website:

Joyfully, Tina

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day #483 - Seven From Heaven

This morning Doc made the Starbucks run. He got coffee, I retrieved a penny (Coin #1).

Busy day at work. Had to run across campus for a meeting. The campus marketplace was already closed, but there was a penny under the backside of a student studying on an outdoor table. It would have been really awkward for me to dive there without asking first. So I exchanged a Penny Card for a smile and the coin. (Coin #2).

I had planned / hoped to leave work by 5 PM today. Not the case. At 7:00 Doc got impatient with me. He went for a drive in the upper parking lots. He saw something, but it was too thick for a penny. Upon closer inspection he found that it was TWO pennies stuck together! (Sit-N-Find Coins #3&4). Today’s score was now tied 2:2.

At 7:30 PM I was still not ready to go home, so Doc headed for coffee at the vending machines. He looked for coins. None to be found. A colleague stopped to chat with him. As they were standing there talking, a penny appeared to Doc, and then another. Doc mentioned the coins. The other professor bent to retrieve one - it was a Third One! Not the ones Doc had seen. That has happened to me several times in that area. It’s like the Devil’s Triangle in reverse - things APPEAR versus disappear! Mushroom Coins. (Coins #5-7). Seven from Heaven

Total: 7 Pennies

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