
In March 2008 I began Finding Pennies. In December 2008 I began sharing these "Penny Tales" with a few close friends. They encouraged me to blog the Penny Tales such that more people could enjoy the Adventures with Penny Angels.

Please visit the website:

Joyfully, Tina

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day #491 - Angel Repairs

Doc insisted that I go out with him this morning to get his coffee. (He pretty much refused to do yard work and other things with me until I cooperated). He wanted a “breakfast deal” from Jack-in-the-Box. Yuck. He said it was a 24-hr place, so almost guaranteed I would get my coin for today.

Doc found a median dime! on the way to breakfast. (Coin #1) There were zero coins in the drive through, but it was taking considerable time, so I wandered to the street and bus stop. There was a planter with litter and reddish lava rock filler. I was thinking, “What are the chances there is a penny in here? Besides, it would be camouflaged here.” Chances -- 100% (Penny #2). Angels love a challenge!

I was ready to head home, but Doc was not. He detoured through the high school parking lot. Sit-N-Find penny upon entering the lot. Doc said, “We should be able to find some silver today.” Within moments I spotted a dime. Hopped back in the van and a few minutes later found a nickel. (Coins #3-5)

Stopped for a coffee at the Shell Gas Station. I went in the store and carefully searched the small area. Noticed the wet floor sign and stepped carefully in that area. I went outside and found a penny around the air hose canister (Coin #6). Doc emerged from the store with a penny. (Coin #7) He had “found it by the wet floor sign!” No way! I looked there!

ARK = Acts of Random Kindness. Our son and fiancĂ©e stopped by late morning just to fix Doc’s stationary bicycle! (It’s been inoperable for almost 3 years and I have been unable to get a replacement part after trying numerous sources).

Detour story here … a few weeks ago on the night we chopsticked the quarter from the car wash drain grate, Doc also found two cables laying in the car wash bay. His comment, “These look like the bike cable we need”. My reply was, “If one of those cables work, it would be one heck of a good Penny Tale” Yup, you guessed it, one cable worked!

A small ferrule was needed for the bike repair, so a quick trip was made to the hardware store.

Repair parts: 40¢

Labor: approx. $40.00 (in the form of Starbucks coffee and lunch)!

We stopped at Subway sandwich for a take out lunch and took out a found dime as well (Coin #8).

Thoughts: After two years of waiting (and asking and begging and threatening and …) for Doc to repair that bike, even the Angels got impatient! Heavenly Angels dropped the cable at Doc’s feet and son Brian Angel provided the helping hands!

Total: 8 Coins P (5), N (1), D (2), Q (0) = $0.30

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