The dogs again woke us before 6
a.m. since the daylight was streaming full strength into the bedroom. Then once they went outside and then I fixed
their breakfast, they pretty much slept the rest of the day. Work Like a Dog.
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Desk Assembly |
This morning I was expecting Breck,
the window repair guy to arrive at 8:30 a.m.
Doc always wants me to shower after he does so that I have to wipe down
everything. This morning at 7:45 he
still had not taken his shower and I was getting frustrated with him. Just before 8 a.m. Doc headed to take his
shower. At 8 a.m. the doorbell rang! It was
Breck ready to get to work. I sure
wasn’t! I was still in pajamas! Handyman George was OK to be in PJs ‘cause
he’s almost getting to be like family.
But I was planning to be in “work mode” for this other guy.
Breck and I began working on the
faulty window replacement and down-sizing all the bug screens so that they
would fit properly. Around 8:20 the doorbell rang! It was project Manager Daryl dropping in to
see how the move was going. Sure. This was beginning to feel like a pajama
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Window Repair |
Doc went off to school around
11:30. Shortly thereafter, the doorbell
rang! It was a Pest Control Serviceman
trying to get new customers. We spent
quite a bit of time assessing the outside of the house for potential areas of
insect or rodent infestations.
I was once again trying to get some
work done when the doorbell rang. It
was one of the roofing guys. They were
back to complete the roof repair work.
A short time later the doorbell
rang! It was a delivery service. Could
not remember ordering anything to be shipped to this address. Ahh yes!
It was the two oak coverplates for the posts on the spiral
staircase. Have not even thought about
the staircase project in a week. That
one has moved off the top ten list.
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Roof Repair |
Finally at 2:30 I was able to leave
and head to the Pomona house. It took me at least an hour to empty four little
bathroom drawers. Having a tough time
just throwing things into the trash. But there is way too much stuff! At one point I was getting very
discouraged. I stood up and found a $100
bill under my backside! I must have
stashed it away in one of the drawers for a special use. Nice to hatch money. I took that as encouragement from the Angels
to Keep Cleaning!
Of course I checked emails and
responded as needed. Then I spent a few
minutes trying to find a repair service for the glass cake top.
The next two hours were spent
paying first of the month bills and taking care of financial stuff.
By 8:30 p.m. it was time to lock up
and get some lunch. Realized I still needed
to find a coin for today. Hmmm… Where to go?
This morning after my shower I was
searching for clean underwear. The ones
I had packed in my suitcase for the past few days were now all gone. I could not find my packed box with the rest
of them. I have ALL of Doc’s clothes
nicely hanging or put away on the shelves or properly placed in dresser
drawers. My clothes are in about 7 boxes and I’m not sure where all those
are. Today I searched at the Pomona
house thinking for sure the box I was seeking was still in the Master Bedroom
there. No such luck. It seems to have
disappeared. It makes me wonder …. For months Doc has been threatening to throw
away at least half my undies because they have holes and the elastic is so worn
out. Perhaps he really did it? Anyhow, tonight I went to Target for a 6-pack
of new ones.
As I walked from my truck into the
store I was doing a SingSong. Told the
Angels I MUST find a coin there. Upon
entering the store I looked around the customer service area, the Starbucks
coffee center, the snack area and past each of the 14 check-out lanes. No coins!
I was getting a little nervous at this point. So I was a little more stern with the
Angels. “Look guys. You can not end this Penny Finding streak on
a bland day like today. You need to
produce before I leave this store!”
Within moments, I spotted a very shiny new penny. Whew!
I proceeded with purchasing the one
item I came for. There was a second
beautiful and shiny penny at check-out.
God’s 2¢ worth for me today.
Around 9 p.m. Doc stopped at the
grocery store on his way home from school for some ice cream - and two pennies.
God’s 2¢ worth for Doc today.
I thought we were all finished with
the “construction phase” and could now slow down just a bit. Between the window repair, screen
replacement, roof repairs and numerous other projects, things have not slowed
any! There is still much to do such as
putting in ceiling lights in Doc’s office, finishing the staircase, caulking,
painting, and getting internet service here!
This evening I arrived home to find
the waterfall gushing water. It was
gushing when I left this morning, but I thought it was the refill valve. Not
the case. Doc shut down the water
line. I texted the landscape architect
and the project manager around 10 p.m.
Each of them replied within minutes and have corresponded numerous times
since then. This Penny Palace is a
special place. People use their hearts
to deal with it regardless of the time clock.
Heavenly and Earthly Angels keep a watch over it.
4 Pennies
Hello Tina. Would be nice me to test your doorbell one of the day.
Sasha from Russia :)
Those Spanish tiles are rat-highways. You'll have an attic full in no time.
Talk about your eleventh-hour angel intervention. There were 10 hours and 12 minutes left to hit-for-the-cycle this month. An earlier trip to the credit union got a penny, dime and quarter, but I hadn't seen a nickel since April 2. I'd been saying "nickel" all the way back from lunch, when there! next to the vending machine it was: the requested nickel. The day - and the month- were saved.
Hopefully the Roofer has sealed all the edges properly.
Sounds like you are testing the "verbalizing and manifesting" theory. COINcidence?
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