Yesterday we received counteroffers on both offers we submitted Monday. Last night Doc came home at 10 p.m., ate a bowl of soup, and fell asleep. That is why there was no Penny Tale sent last night - Doc could not manage to make the video.
This morning I was running out the door, but made one last check on emails. Our realtor had sent the counteroffers which said we had until today to respond. Yikes! Doc mumbled his thoughts and I quickly typed an email to the realtor. One was a counteroffer, the other was a “no thanks, too high”. This afternoon the realtor called to ask if we could meet this evening and congratulations on getting both counteroffers accepted! HUH?
This morning we had a meeting with the Landscape architect (Rod), two of his team members, Daryl, Concrete Rick, Doc, and I. We need to make some decisions on what to do with all the rocks! Rod says to keep them all and that we will use them on site. No way! We also discussed stairways and columns and the patio and … Doc and I planned to do backyard landscaping in a few years from now. But it would be very expensive and somewhat foolish to bring in heavy equipment after we have poured a driveway and constructed fences and gates around the yard.

The two tile guys were laying more backerboard, then gluing and screwing it.
Drywall Cesar returned to do a quick fix-it job. It has been two months since he has seen the house. He was amazed at the progress.
Cesar and so many other people “pet” the granite walls in the Grand Room and touch the picket tiles to see if they are really tile! I just laugh in watching their reactions. Such fun!
I painted the ceiling in the Garden Bathroom (layer #2) in an attempt to make it look more like sky.
Tomorrow Doc will give his last lecture for this term. Today was his last lab session. He actually got lucky at the vending machines. In addition to collecting one penny, Doc put in money for one soda and got two out! He was going to take the freebie to class and offer it to some student, but realized it might be difficult to single out just one in a class of 22. Thus, he propositioned a young lady in the elevator who caught his eye. (She was wearing short pants and fish-net stockings). He offered her a free drink. She accepted his offer.
We were down to one can of dog food in the house and that makes Norman very nervous. Thus, I stopped for dog food. Before getting out of the truck I said out loud: “Penny Angels, if you want a story today, you must present a coin here in this shopping center because I am tired and going straight home after this stop”. I hopped out of the truck and there was a shiny penny in front of me! Of course I said Thanks.
As I was paying for the dog food, the cashier asked if I had found everything I needed. I replied “Yes” and then started laughing. He asked why? I said, “well I would have also liked to find a penny in here”. While saying that, I walked to the end of the counter and looked below the cashier. There was a penny near where he was standing! We both laughed and I offered him a Penny Card in exchange for the penny at his feet.
This evening Doc came through the front door fuming about a misunderstanding which had occurred. He pretty much demanded that I go get dinner with him. We ate a quick countermeal and then stopped at the bank for cash. I went inside while Doc did a one-knee retrieval under a bench to claim a dime and a penny.
Total: 5 Coins P (4), N (0), D (1), Q (0) = $0.14