Lots of progress at the jobsite: drywall mud delivered, corner bead finished, sacks of sand delivered for the stucco work, scaffolding erected for the fireplace stonework, metal lath wrapped around the fireplace, plastic protection of timbers and windows on the exterior before stucco, protection of timbers on the interior before drywall mudding …
I spent a few hours this morning on calls, edits and calculations for a revised Title 24 Energy Report now that we have made field changes to the original designs. (Smaller windows with higher efficiencies, better HVAC, etc.)
There were so many incoming phone calls and emails I can’t begin to list them. Shipping companies called to deliver flooring and interior doors. I asked them to please “put those on hold” for a week or so. There were contacts made regarding door locks, molding, plumbing, framing, tile, tile decals, countertops, cabinetry, appliances and much more …. Things are sure moving rapidly!

Penny found at the gas station on my way home from the jobsite. I had almost forgotten about Penny Finding today.
Doc came home this evening to find dolphin on the cooktop. I spent 2 hour this afternoon wrestling with two dolphin. I was applying a mural across six bathroom tiles for the guest room shower. I screwed up and the process which should have taken 20 minutes, took two hours and I was uhhhh….. frustrated would be the nice term. By the time Doc came home I had the dolphin tiles triumphantly drying on the stovetop burners. He took one look and said, “Guess we are going out for dinner tonight!” Gotta love that man.
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