A day of Tens: Day #1010, a $10 tip, and dime finds.
When we went out for breakfast, we left a $10 tip for the waitress just in honor of Day #1010.

I spent much of the day doing mock ups of cabinetry, playing with sample materials, measuring floor thicknesses, etc.
As we headed out to do our weekly grocery shopping and Penny Hunting, Doc’s comment was. “OK. You look for the pennies, I plan to get the silvers.” And he did!
Doc drove West instead of East from our house and I knew immediately that he was headed for a sunset stroll - through the high school parking lot. I was not pleased at the delay. I knew we would find coins at the grocery stores and did not appreciate the detour.
When we arrived at the high school, I hopped out and began a SingSong. “Hey Penny Angels won’t you come out to play, come out to play …”. I immediately found a penny and was ready to leave. (Coin #1) Doc wanted to search more.
I wandered through the lunch tables. I was ‘nudged’ to turn down one corridor where there were only two tables. I argued, “I have searched dozens of tables and haven’t found anything, why go over and look at those two?” I was nudged to go look. “It’s not worth going over there. What for?” Continued nudging. “OK! I’m going!” Found a penny. (Coin #2) Did a SingSong on the way back to the van and instantly found a penny. (Coin #3).
Doc found a nickel (rarest silver to find). (Coin #4) He was on his way to fulfilling his statement of finding the three silvers tonight.
Doc needed to make an urgent stop at a bathroom, so I searched while waiting for him. One quarter! (Coin #5)
Tonight Doc had Penny Fever, so our next stop was a romantic twilight walk at the 99¢ store and car wash. He found two pennies in the store and I found one at the car wash. (Coins #6-8)
The 7-11 store was an easy stop. Found one penny in an aisle and one way under the counter and very green in color. (Coins #9&10)
Three pennies at the first grocery store. (Coins #11-13)
On the way to the next grocery store Doc and I were both chanting, “Dime, dime, dime” in order to get a Hit for the Cycle. I said, “Hey Penny Angels, I challenge you to produce a dime”. I walked in the store, and immediately saw a dime! “OK. Angels. You did it!” (Coin #14) Then I spotted a second dime, but it was under the foot of a cashier at a very busy lane with a boxboy in the way as well. Foregone?
I spotted another coin in Lane 3. Too many people to retrieve it. Another Foregone?
Then I found another dime! WOW! (Coin #15). Doc found a quarter on the floor. (Coin #16). We did some shopping and when the line in Lane 3 shortened, I went back to get what I thought was a penny - it was a dime! (Coin #17). When we checked out, I chose the lane next to the dime under the cashier. As she reached to bag groceries, I dove for the dime. (Coin #18). After paying for groceries I took one more look back. There was ANOTHER dime! (Coin #19). That was FIVE dimes within 15 minutes of issuing my challenge. No other coins for me - just FIVE dimes.
Lesson: ASK and Ye Shall Receive!
Total: 19 Coins P (11), N (1), D (5), Q (2) = $1.16
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