Let’s make this brief ‘cause I have a Celebration to organize and several RSVPs have arrived!
A few nights ago I was just about to fall asleep and thinking, “I can do as the Penny Tale Readers suggest and donate $1000”. A quick 5 minutes, put a check in the mail or go on line and do it! Then I got that darn “Nudging”. I had to hop out of bed and write it down. The next day I didn’t even remember it until I saw the note. Believe me, I gave the Angels my best arguments “What If …? I can’t, No time, How will I know if people cheat?, etc.” I suppressed the Nudge and argued with it until this afternoon when it just had to come out. Let the Angels figure this out. My job is to Trust and issue the Challenge.
This morning we stopped for petrol on the way to the jobsite. I walked the area while Doc pumped fuel. I passed a potted plant and thought to myself, “Sometimes people toss coins in those”. And there was a dirt penny. A few minutes later there was a dime in front of me. I said out loud, “Oops! OK Angels. I forgot to say Good Morning to you.” Instantly there was a penny in my path. (Coins #1-3).
Meanwhile Doc spotted a penny next to his door while pumping. (Coin #4). I was voice recording my coin finds, Doc was waiting impatiently for me. He hopped out of the van to search in the potted plant there. He saw a penny! He collected that one plus two more dirt pennies. (Coins #5-7).
We stopped at the bank to get some $10 bills for Thursday’s challenge. A Sit-N-Find penny in the parking lot as we were driving away. (Coin #8) (Angels smiling). Quick stop at Target to get those Organizer Trays (see yesterday’s story).

At the jobsite, Rafael was working solo on the insulation of the ceilings. Miguel and Serafin were adding additional wall blocks and filling the driveway columns. Doc was protecting the Master Deck. I was picking up trash and trying to clean things a little bit for the party.
For fun, I slipped two $10 bills to people this afternoon. Just warming up for Thursday’s challenge. I told them that Thursday would be Day #1000 (they knew about Penny Finding) and since I would not see them on that day, I was just practicing. They smiled.
I also got the name of our mail carrier so I could leave him a personal note on Thursday.
This afternoon I went to a plumbing supply to research whole house water filters, then tile shopping. Also stopped to buy plastic champagne glasses. I looked all around me while waiting for the customer in front of me to complete her transaction. No coins. I paid for the glasses and suddently there was a dime at my feet. (The Angels are smiling about this upcoming event). (Coin #9)
Total: 9 Coins P (7), N (0), D (2), Q (0) = $0.27
P.S. 11 p.m. I am reviewing the incoming invoice for the “Just Right” colored stone veneer. I was expecting an upcharge for the custom color. No extra fee! And this company’s stone is half the price of the other two companies I checked into. Angels on the job again.
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