Since Doc is my “Prince Charming”, isn’t it befitting that I should also get a castle in addition to the smelly socks and dirty dishes?
This morning began with …. a Penny! I showered, got dressed, pulled on a pair of socks and headed downstairs. Something felt funny in my sock. Got downstairs and took it off to find a penny in there. These were clean socks and had been through both the washer and dryer. I don’t’ tuck pennies in my socks. I do slip them in my shoes to transport sometimes, but not in my socks. That would be too uncomfortable! The Penny Angels were playing with me. Does this one count as a legitimate find? It is not from a pocket or a purse. (Coin #1?)

The brakes on Doc’s van needed checking, so the morning was spent waiting for the mechanic’s diagnosis. Project Manager Daryl called to say he was working on a project very close to the auto shop, did we want to come look at it? With the name of Rubel Castle we were intrigued and couldn’t resist a quick peek there. An unexpected treat in our day. Motivation from the Angels to continue working on our castle?
In Photo #1 Doc is asking if this is how I want my castle to look?

In Photo #2 at least the structure has some interesting stone work. But it probably exceeds our City height restrictions and I’ll bet it does not meet earthquake codes.
Doc had a Final Exam to give today, so at Noon I drove him to school. He found a penny when getting on the elevator, a nickel when getting his coffee before class, a penny when arranging the chairs before the exam, a dime when cleaning up the room after the exam, and a penny while walking back to his office. (Doc coins #1-5)
At 5 PM I arrived at school to transport Doc back to the auto repair shop. There were six empty parking spots from which to choose. Pippy made her choice - and parked with one of her rear tires almost on a penny! She is part of this team too! (Coin #2).
Thought: Our physical beings need daily nourishing and shelter. Equally as important are our mental and spiritual aspects. How much time do we spend nourishing those?
Total: 7 Coins P (5), N (1), D (1), Q (0) = $0.20
Palace. You're building the Penny Palace. You shouldn't change horses mid-moat for the Coin Castle.
Two pennies in a CPP bathroom today. That's a first.
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