Doc and Sparky went for Starbucks coffee and Subway sandwiches while the guests slept in. It was a leisurely morning for them; late breakfast, a bit of laundry and TV - Shirlee got to watch ‘The Young and the Reckless’ for the first time in six years as it is no longer shown on free to air TV in Australia. I, on the other hand, was working furiously on details for the upcoming reunion and the Penny Palace. I had many details to “put right” before we could begin our play day.

I have been keeping a list of things our guests wanted to do or purchase, so we headed out to accomplish those. We began with an all-you-can-eat lunch at Home Town Buffet. Our guests sure enjoyed the myriad of foods. Doc commented that our guests were not filling their plates up high enough. He was informed that in Australia it was better to go back many times than lose the food off the plate trying to get heaps back to the table in fewer trips. We then went next door to get Doc and Shirlee each a pair of SAS shoes. (SAS is the shoe company as well as Shirlee’s initials).

Next it was a trip to the Penny Palace. Everyone gave input on the scullery wall placement. (Scullery: a little room off the kitchen). Merril suggested a solar tube in the room - we now just have to convince Doc of it.
Then it was time for more pressing things - McDonalds for coins and a cold drink. Doc and Merril found a penny when entering the eatery. I ran to the drive thru and played ‘chicken’ with an oncoming car. I managed 3 pennies, 2 nickels and a quarter before the car got too close for comfort. The attendant at the window was asking what I was doing out there. I pretended not to hear him and ran. I hoped everyone else would understand my desire to leave quickly. Alas, Doc and Shirlee bought the drinks, sat down and talked. I decided to look around outside (versus lingering inside) and foolishly left my drink behind. Doc being a well-trained husband finished it for me. But I did find another penny. (Coins #1-8)

We shopped at Home Depot (for a toilet seat), Big Lots, Michaels … We next planned to stop for groceries. On the way into the store for fun we were saying “dime, dime, dime …” (to obtain a Hit for the Cycle). As we entered the store, I caught the tiniest glimpse of a silver edge. I used a stiff business card to ‘shift’ the coin - it was our requested dime! (Coin #9) We found three additional pennies in the store. (Coins #10-12)
Sore footed and weary we came home where Merril prepared a BLT dinner while I attended to other issues.
We shopped and ate to the point of “Elegant Sufficiency”. (New phrase learned from our Aussie guests).
Total: 12 Coins P (8), N (2), D (1), Q (1) = $0.53 one wheat penny
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