The day began at the cabin with more cleaning and fixing up. Then at 10 am we were on our way home. We stopped for petrol and a penny before heading down the mountain (Coin #1)
We dropped the dogs, the trash bags, and eight loads of laundry at the house, took a shower and then began phase two of our day. The first stop was the bank. As I walked toward the door, I thought “Let’s find a penny out here in the planter so I can tease Debra, the bank manager about ‘planting money at her bank so it can grow’”. Sure enough, there was a dirt penny in the planter. (Coin #2).
The next stop was a thrift store to take some of the items we cleaned out of the cabin. There was a nickel as I approached the dock and then a penny on the loading dock. I traded a Penny Card for that penny. (Coin #3&4)
Doc needed a snack, so at 3 pm we drove through Chick-fil-A for a snack and a quarter (Coin #5).

Then it was out to the construction site. The garage trusses were all erected today! See Video. Preparations (like scaffolding) were made to begin putting up the house trusses tomorrow.
Doc says it is amazing that a small cluster of California poppies by the entrance of the site have been in bloom since the day we began construction. They receive no watering and have withstood some pretty harsh surrounding conditions. Nice. A bright spot at the gate.

We stopped at WalMart to pick up the poster for the solar car team reunion. We collected four pennies in there. Then, as we were driving out of the parking lot, Doc stepped heavily on the brakes. He put the car in reverse and asked me to retrieve the penny he had just driven over. Wonder what the driver behind us was thinking? (Coins #6-10).
Our refrigerator was empty, so Trader Joe’s was next on our tour. Doc said, “Dime, dime, dime” when entering. We found no coins while shopping or paying. Then just as we were leaving, Doc gave me a hand signal -- coin to my left. I dove for it. It was his dime! (Coin #11)
At the next store one of the boxboys was ‘dancing’ around a coin. I could not tell what it was and kept waiting for him to walk away. He did not. I finally got impatient and just made the dive. Got another dime. (Coin #12) Then there was a penny when paying for our groceries. (Coin #13)
This evening was spent doing lots of laundry and writing Penny Tales.
Total: 13 Coins P (9), N (1), D (2), Q (1) = $0.59
Interesting food for thought:

Doc said this morning he was ‘nudged’ to take some photos of the main living area in our cabin. He sat on the hearth and shot this photo. He said he was reflecting on Nancy Still at the time. She was our first cabin guest and has since passed away. She loved it at the cabin. It is said that orbs of light in photos are spirits of persons who have passed. There are two bright orbs in the photo. Doc says maybe the second one is his mom who also enjoyed her time at the cabin. COINcidences?
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