WOW! I am looking at the calendar hanging from the bookcase. ANOTHER month where EVERY square on the page has a Penny Find listed! And flipping backward: August, July, June, May, April, March, February, January … EVERY SQUARE on this year’s calendar has a Penny Find! It is truly amazing when put into visual terms like that. It sure defies “reasonableness” or “logic”!
This morning we awoke to Aussie guests in the kitchen. What a nice way to start the day. After quick hellos we headed to IHOP for Pancakes! (Breakfast pancakes are difficult to find in Australia). We decided there were 3 things to accomplish today: A haircut for Gloria, duplication of her handouts for the classes she is scheduled to teach, and of course, Penny Finding!
Detour here: Gloria is a world-renowned quilter whom we met through one of those miracle coincidences. She took up quilting when recovering from chemotherapy treatments and now travels the world sharing both her Journey and Unique Quilting Techniques. Her quilts look like beautiful paintings.

After breakfast, we took Tony back to the house and Doc went to teach class. Gloria and I discovered the first penny at Staples and then Pennies #2 and #3 in the parking lot after getting the haircut. Gloria can teach Quilting and I can teach Penny Finding!
In the parking lot I also met a neat lady (Judy) who SHARED the story of her mother’s Penny Planting. There are so many people who have special stories to share. Somehow we need to capture those and SHARE the JOY with even more people!
We retrieved Tony and headed for the Ontario Mills Mall. That place is huge! We had lunch, wandered the shops, bought a few things and had a coffee. Not a single coin to be found.
We met Doc for dinner at 5:15 at the Bass Pro shop and Fish Co. He immediately found a penny. (Coin #4). We noticed a schmush penny machine and had Tony use it on the found penny. Nice remembrance.
We had a lovely dinner as the sun was setting. When we emerged, Gloria found a nickel! I had walked right past it and had not noticed it. She is a fast learner. J (Coin #5)

The men went home (or so we thought) and we ladies stopped at the grocery store for breakfast fixings - and a penny. I had looked at each check out line two times for coins - once while we were shopping and then as we were getting ready to pay. I triple looked in the aisle we chose. Nothing - until Gloria stepped forward to pay and then suddenly there was a penny under her. Mushroom Coin. (Coin #6). Three cashiers were all smiling as we explained Penny Finders.
It turns out the men detoured and drove past our new property in Deer Creek. Motivation. The surveyor is due to go out there on Saturday ….;-) The Penny Angels are continuing to lead.
Basic Penny Finding = personally finding a coin and quietly appreciating the blessing
Intermediate Penny Finding = sharing the Find with someone and creating a Moment of Shared Joy
Advanced Penny Finding = teaching / involving others so they are active Penny Finders
Today’s Total: 6 coins P (5), N (1) = 10¢
and more international Penny Pals