This morning I was working in my office and planned to leave at 7 a.m. Doc came in saying “Arent’ you supposed to be gone by now?” The battery on my clock was low and so the clock was running behind - now I was also. I hate starting the day like that!
I met Handyman George and Anna at 8 a.m. We caulked the Grand Room Belly Band, patched drywall, grouted base tile, added more flowers to the bathroom mural, played with the toilet position, and unboxed the oak staircase railing. Since it was raining, I walked the perimeter of the house to check the gutter status and to investigate water run off. Things looked pretty good. It was fun to see the flow of water down the new driveway and out to the street through the newly-installed drain lines.
Doc found a Canadian 5¢ piece this morning when he went to the hardware store to investigate water shut off valves.
Doc and Norman arrived at the Penny Palace after 1 p.m. I think they were on site just to hang out and drink coffee with Project Manager Daryl who arrived at the same time.
By mid afternoon Grader Rick and Landscaper Rod had arrived. They planned to position the boulders in the front yard, but the soil was saturated and the rocks were sliding too much. The walkway needs to be raised and then the boulders set on another day.
On the way home, I stopped at a glass shop to discuss my ideas for the coffee mug display rack. What I thought was a very simple and attractive display turned out to be quite costly. Thus, it is back to the drawing board on that project. Rats!
I was almost home when I realized I didn’t have any coins for today. I made a quick turn into the nearest shopping center and asked the Angels what to do. As I entered the 99¢ store there were two pennies directly in front of me. The place was very crowded with long lines of people. I turned to leave and found a third penny.
At home this evening we met with the contractor working on Rental #2. Then Doc and I made some modifications to a light fixture. After that we went our separate ways to update the Penny Palace Journal, log in the Penny Finds for January, draw some cabinetry designs, wash dishes, sort mail, spend 3 hrs. watching TV, write Penny Tales … guess who did which tasks?
Total: 4 Coins 3 U.S. Pennies and a Canadian 5¢ piece
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