We needed to be at the Penny Palace by 7:30 a.m. so breakfast was once again McDonalds for sandwiches on the run. Doc placed the order while I hopped out and walked nearby. I collected a dime and a penny. (Coins #1&2)
I am too exhausted to write a whole bunch, so here’s a quick list of some of today’s actions at the Palace. (Also see the video).
- Miguel and Serafin power washed the pati
o and driveway.
- Doc went to Home Depot (trip #1) for bolts to secure the mailbox post.
- Neighbor’s gardeners trimmed vines totally off of South fence - showing how badly it needs painting.
- Tina and Doc mended a punctured watering hose.
- Rick brought in a truckload of dirt and used the Bobcat to place it in the equestrian area.
- Doc built up the dirt berm along the South wall.
- Doc and Miguel put the extensions and caps on the South drain line.
- Serafin put the stone veneer around the base of the mailbox post.
- Miguel filled the voids around the front trellis posts.
- Tina glued the protector caps on the arms of the teak benches.
- HVAC Brian connected the dryer vent and gas line.
- Iron Jimmy connected the remote controller and motor to the driveway gate.
- Doc went to Home Depot (trip #2) for grass seeds and bags of topping mix.
- Rick, Miguel and Serafin distributed the seed and mix.
- Tina painted the mailbox post.
After 10 hours of work, we locked up the Penny Palace and headed home. Stopped for petrol and a coffee (Doc) and five pennies (Tina). (Coins #3-7)
Total: 7 Coins P (6), N (0), D (1), Q (0) = $0.16
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