Let’s see if I can remember even half of what happened today…it seemed things were happening at warp speed.
6:20 a.m. Quick stop at a closed KFC to collect today’s Penny. Wanted to start the day with a focus on the Penny Angels. One penny (Coin #1)
6:30 Stop at the Concrete Construction Company to deliver payment voucher

6:45 The Plumber’s House to deliver payment voucher
6:50 A friend’s house to deliver a “Love You” gift
6:55 Neighbor’s house to deliver a follow up letter
7:45 Handyman George arrived with new helper, Alex.7:00-7:45 Working with Homeowner’s Association Crew to add and modify sprinklers in the Equestrian Trail. Cleaned debris from Trail area.
Worked with them until 2:45 p.m. Moved stones, moved boxes, stained stair treads, put collars on staircase, assembled shelving units and much more.

8:30 Project Manager Daryl arrived. Worked with him on 10 ft. banner
10 a.m. Window Brian Arrived. He works so quietly, I forgot he was on site! Last week he was injured when he slipped on some spilled milk at another job, so today was his first day working again.

11:30 City Inspector Steve arrived. He was the person we first talked to at the City when we were considered buying the empty lot. He gave us the reassurance that the City people would be helpful in making our dream home a reality in their city. Today was the first time he had been to the site. I think it was fun for him to see the Penny Palace.
Doc called right then to say our credit card company had left a message about suspicious activity on our Construction Account. I would resolve that issue AFTER the City inspector’s visit.

12:30 Placed Request for Department #3 InspectionThe City Inspector took a set of the construction drawings and walked the perimeter of the structure to ensure it looked like what had been permitted. No problem! It looks even better in real life than it does on the elevation drawings. This was Sign Off for Department #2 - Planning. Yipee!!!

After the Inspector left, I dealt with the credit card issue. Cancelled due to $326 of clothing bought in the UK.
Worked with George and Alex until 2:45. As they were leaving, I noticed a lizard which had been in the same spot in the garage for several hours. I tried to get him to move. He would not. He was stuck in the tacky garage floor sealer. Gross. I did not have the heart to rip him off the floor, but did not want to leave him baking and dying there of de-hydration. Yuck. George to the rescue. He gently lifted the little guy out of the sticky mess. I saw no evidence of any pieces remaining on the floor. Yippee! The little guy scurried off.
Clean up time.
4:00 Went to the sign shop to pick up the vinyl lettering for the bathroom “All Creatures…”
4:20 Target store for more storage bins and two pennies. (Coins #2&3)
4:40 Repair shop to pick up damaged picture frame
4:50 Home to call Paint Store about resolving Tacky Flooring Coating. Don’t want any more stuck lizards! Will have company rep deal with it tomorrow.
5:00 - 6:30 Lots and lots of emails and follow ups
6:30 - 9:00 Cleaning and preparing 22 boxes of things in the garage for moving next week …
9:00 Quick Dinner
9:15 Began writing Penny Tales
9:45 Doc arrived home from work asking, “So what happened today?”
Not much …. just another day of Joy and Awesomeness.
Total: 3 Pennies
1 comment:
While coming in from the parking lot, I was "nudged" (if that is possible) to go through the breezeway rather than the more direct second floor entrance (might have been the great weather and chirping birds). There were 3 quarters to be collected from the vending machine area (and another one plus a dime a little later)
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