My favorite number is 25 and today is the 25th of the month. So many wonderful little things, not sure where to begin. The song “My Favorite Things” from the movie Sound of Music comes to mind.
New House Stuff:
People keep asking me WHY we are building a house when in today’s market you can buy a house for less than half of the cost of building one. Answer: Spiral Staircase.
Spiral Staircases - that’s what started this whole house building project! For nearly 30 years I have dreamed of having a spiral staircase in my house. The Iron Shop used to be near campus and just “called to me”. The business has grown and moved several times, but I can see those staircases through the showroom windows as we drive past them on the 10 Freeway.
Now, just where can you find a One Story House with a Spiral Staircase?
Then throw in a few additional conditions such as a raised floor (versus concrete slab), in a nice neighborhood, 4 bedrooms, a fireplace which looks outdoorsy, and within 30 miles of school. Do a search and tell me how many results you find on that.
Yesterday the architect emailed and said we needed to finalize the details of the spiral staircase. It had been several years since I had visited the Iron Shop and I had been wanting to go back there. Her prompting was all I needed to go.
I hate doing much of the repair work around our current house and today we needed to do sprinkler repairs - again. So I asked Doc if we got the sprinklers done by 10 AM could we pretty please drive out to the Iron Shop? I was hoping that might motivate him. He didn’t care at all.
I woke up at 7 AM (without an alarm) and was motivated to get those sprinklers working. At 8 AM I was getting anxious for Doc to get moving too! By 9 AM I was getting grumpy. He Finally began working with me. Then we had to run to the store for parts. L Fortunately Doc spotted a Median Find penny on the way, so at least that “action item” was done for the day. (Coin #1)
We did get the sprinkler system working - at 10:01. The power of a goal!
While we were working on that project, our neighbor who is a plumber, drove up. I had been wanting to talk to him for 3 weeks and this morning I focused on him responding to me. It worked!

We headed for the Iron Shop. Doc stopped once again at Starbucks for coffee. We drove away from there with: 1 coffee ( to keep Doc happy) and one nickel, two dimes and one quarter to make me really happy! (Coins # 2-5).
The visit to the Iron Shop was definitely worthwhile. We found out some technical details which mean a minor modification in our current plans. And we found that prices had not changed since we got the first quote several years ago. Yipee!
Since we were in the area, Doc wanted to go shopping for pants at the Big and Tall Men’s store. Every 2-3 years he will buy a few pairs and agree to retire his pants with the duct tape on the pockets. We found a penny while shopping there. (Coin #6).
That was it as far as coin finding for today, but lots of other good things happened. We had a nice lunch at Old World Deli where we spoke with Cosmo who has built his own house. He always encourages us.
When we got home, there was a check at my door. I had been somewhat expecting it in the near future, but surprised to see it so quickly.

I thought to myself, “It would be really great if the wall decals I ordered last week, would arrive today …” They did! These decals are for the NEW house. I know I don’t even have permits yet, but I am beginning the decorating …
My ‘planning ahead’ really frustrates Doc sometimes. “You don’t even have a foundation and you are thinking wall murals”? I told him, “I gotta know what color paint and what style doors to order and those are based upon the décor of each room. The Aussie room does not get the same doors as the garden bathroom, etc.” Plus, the decals were being discontinued and marked down from $60 to $20.
This evening I even cooked a meal! (It has been quite a while). Cooking is defined as mixing more than three ingredients, using a pot or pan, and using either the stovetop or oven. We had dinner and a glass of wine! It was a really nice day.
Total: 6 Coins Found P (2), N (1), D (2), Q (1) = $0.52 Hit for the Cycle
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