Doc began the day with breakfast and a dime from McDonalds (Coin #1).
I drove Doc to campus today before running my errands. But of course we had to stop at Starbucks. We got coffee, 2 pennies and a quarter. (Coins #2-4). As we were driving away Doc said, “We just need a nickel to Hit for the Cycle”.
At school I checked my emails and found this message from a co-worker:
On my hike up from the parking lot this morning I was thinking about all the coins that would go unfound with your not being around and how there should be piles of them soon. The Penny Angels must have thought I was right as I found a nickel in Center Court underneath the stairs near the glass case. I thought how appropriate to find one of those hard-to-find nickels in "Tina's Activity Center". It was probably meant for Doc, but he'll need to get here earlier to retrieve anything there now.
I had to laugh. What timing!
I did pass by the vending machines twice to check for coins. On the second visit I did not see any coins and was leaving, but said, “Penny Angels, c’mon … I KNOW you have one here. Show me.” And there suddenly was a dime where I had already looked several times! (Coin #5)
This afternoon was our bi-weekly Play Time with the nieces and nephews. First we went to a library for some reading time, then the kids wanted to go bowling. Jaime (who is 3) is a little young for bowling yet. So she and I went Penny Finding. Last week was the first time she went along on a Play Date - she found a penny. Today was her second time out with us - she found a penny and a nickel! (Coins #6&7) The girl is a fast learner. We found those at the 7-11 store where I also claimed a penny and a quarter. (Coins #8&9). We shared the story and a Penny Card with several people in the store.

There were afternoon thundershowers as Jaime and I were out walking, so the two of us got wet as we giggled in the rain.
Next we were adventurous and all went for Chinese food at a nice, nearby restaurant. We each tried new dishes. That was fun.

Of course the next thing they wanted to do was to go to Chuck E. Cheese’s! Yuck. I dread that place on the best of days. We walked in this evening and the place was packed! There were at least 20 people in line at the register, every game was occupied by several children, the broken machines ate our tokens, the place was littered with trash and the noise level was deafening. Thankfully Ashley found one penny there. (Coin #10).
Even Doc could not handle the crowd tonight at CEC. He went next door to the CVS pharmacy and found 3 pennies (Coins #11-13).
The drive to the kids’ house was quick, so we had a few extra minutes before our 8:30 PM curfew. We managed to squeeze in a Flashlight Walk home. Those are always fun.
On the way home Doc and I did some grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s. One Penny there. (Coin #14).
Total: 14 Coins P (9), N (1), D (2), Q (2) = $0.84 Hit for the Cycle
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