Today was a day to Focus on Friends.
We had breakfast with friends who now live in Sacramento. He was best man at our wedding and She was the photographer. Our son Stephen and grandson Ethan joined us since this couple has known Stephen since his birth (and before).
We figured the day was going to be pretty full with friends and functions, so we actively searched for today’s penny on our morning errands. Doc and Stevie went to check on the progress of the clearing of the Alta Loma lot. No coins at Starbucks where they hungout for a while.
I searched as I was doing my errands: Nothing at the Post Office, pet store, grocery store, the parking lots, Target, the Starbucks there, the snack shop there.
In the afternoon we attended a 25th Sunday School Class Reunion. People flew in from Maryland, Alabama, Arizona, etc. It was fun to reconnect and hear where life has taken them. Much to be said for friendships which transcend the years and miles.
On the way to the reunion, Doc said, “We’d better stop at the gas station -- to look for pennies!” So we stopped to fuel up. I searched inside at the convenience store, around the pumps, and the air fill tanks. Nothing. Since I wasn’t having any luck today, I sent Doc forth like you would a Retriever, “Honey, Fetch!” “Search, Find, Retrieve”. He walked into the bushes, looked behind the air pumps and vacuum canisters, and emerged with 6 pennies. “Good job”! (Reminder to give dog biscuit tonight).
I did not yet have MY coin for the day, so we stopped at the Liquor Store near our house. One penny way out on the sidewalk by the street! (Penny #7).
Appetizers and Dinner (Round #1) were at the first potluck, then it was off to Studio City (an hour drive) for the next Potluck (Dinner Round #2 and Dessert). This is the one annual function for Doc’s Mechanical Engineering Department - a nice opportunity to re-connect with retired folks and spouses of co-workers. This year there were additional celebrations. There was a cake for one faculty member who turned 80 years old and a special Announcement by our dear friends Lita and Jagu - they are engaged to be married!

After 10 PM we were on our way home, but thirsty after so much eating and celebrating. We stopped at CVS for a beverage. It was a huge store and we were determined to find a coin there. We carefully searched every aisle. Nothing. As we left the store we looked in the parking lot. Nothing. We paused to open our beverages. There was a penny at our feet. (Coin #8).
It was 11 PM and Doc was still not satisfied. He wanted More! ;-) Definite Case of Penny Fever!
He detoured to WalMart. I couldn’t believe how crowded it was at that hour on a Saturday night. Doc found a penny at one of the check out stands when we arrived. He found a penny under one of the counter displays at the back of the store --- one knee retrieval. Then we spotted another penny at the exit doors (Pennies 9-11).
Today’s Total: 11 coins P (11) = $0.11
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