This morning before work Doc was filling the pond. He came in and informed me that the water pump was leaking significantly. Not a good start for the day. Situation needed to be remedied since we are going out of town tonight for a few days. I agreed to stop at the pool supply place for a new gasket.
Doc had pulled out his clothes to pack and then said I could pack them for him. He pulled out 12 shirts, 4 pairs of pants, 2 sets of pajamas and other stuff! We are only going for 3 days. My somewhat nasty reply to him, “Thank you very much -- you can jolly well pack them yourself! I have my own stuff to pack. You should have done that instead of watching TV last night!” and I left to go get the rubber gasket.
The gasket was purchased without incident. Yippee! I put all my gear in the pickup and noticed a new Thrift shop next door. Even though I was running fairly late, I did a quick 2- minute tour inside Gran’s Goodies. Found a penny (Coin #1).
Side note: For the past few days I have been wrestling more and more with the idea of leaving my job to pursue the Angel Nudgings. This is a very foolish time to give up a secure job with lots of medical and retirement benefits. People are being laid off. Why would I walk away from a job I love? Plus I want to build that new house. Won’t that take income? It would be really ~~~~ (the polite term would be foolish) to make such a CHANGE. That would take a Giant Leap of Faith.
I got back to my truck and started the engine.
Nudging, “Go back to the store and tell the new owners about your Penny Find and that it is a symbol of Blessing on their New Business.”
Tina, “You’ve got to be kidding. Right?”
Nudging, “You know better than to ask that”.
Tina, “Bug Off. I’m not in the mood for more delays.”
Nudging, “Go back”.
Tina, “I am Too Busy to listen to you right now”.

I went inside and told the owners about Penny Tales. They probably thought I was crazy. I said something stupid like, “maybe I should have taken a picture of YOU getting the penny, since this is your business.” Joe said,, “OK!” So I ran back to the pickup for my camera.
I took the photo of Joe and Quinn saying, “Bye! Now I really will be late for my Noon meeting”. I got to the truck to discover my keys - inside the locked truck. The keys must have fallen from my pocket when I reached across the front seat to get the camera. Grrrrrr!
I called Doc who was at school. He was frantically putting together two midterms which he was giving this afternoon. He said, “OK. I will be there as soon as I can in about 20 minutes.” I cringed when I realized how nasty I was this morning to him and how sweet he was being to me.
I now had 20 minutes to just talk to the Angels. Yes, they got my attention.
Lesson: Do not tell the Penny Angels you do not have time for them. They take offense to that. What other things do you have to do which are so important?
Doc finally arrived, unlocked my truck, and met Joe and family. Smiles exchanged.
On the way to my next appointment I exited the freeway and was stopped at a red light. I glanced to the right and left thinking, “Don’t dare look at the median.” “Don’t look!” Because what would happen if I saw one? But I looked. Whew! Nothing there.
Tina, “Penny Angels, it would be just like you to put a penny out there and torment me. Then I would be faced with a decision -- do I or don’t I? I spotted a blob.
Tina, “That surely is not a penny?”
Nudging, “Are you sure?”
Tina, “No.”
Tina, “This is a freeway offramp, that is probably not a penny and even if it was, the signal is about to turn and it’s not worth it!”
Nudging, “Are you SURE?”
Tina, “No. But who cares! Other people Toss their pennies and you are asking me to jump out and get that blob?”
Nudging, “It doesn’t matter what other people do”.
Tina, “That is Doc’s area of expertise. Not mine! I am not comfortable doing those alone.”
“Don’t ask me to do this!” “You’ve pushed me enough today!” “I don’t want to!”
Nudging, “Your choice. Free will.”
Tina, “But I’m not even sure this is a coin!”
Nudging, “And you won’t ever be sure if you sit there on your butt! Get out of your comfort zone.”
Tina, “Mild Expletive “. “OK. Here goes …..”
I was going out on a Leap of Faith.
I put the gear shift in neutral, applied the brakes, unbuckled, opened the door, ran 8 ft., hopped back in, and took off as the light turned green.
Yes, it was a penny.
At school I was walking down the hall minding my own business when a dime appeared in my path. I had crossed that spot 3-4 times in 5 minutes and there was absolutely no reason for a coin to be anywhere in that area. Mushroom Coin. (Coin #3).
After work I headed for City Hall to get a Business License. I went from one area to the next - back and forth several times. I spoke to 8-9 persons about Penny Finding. You are getting a business license for WHAT? At the last stop, the reviewer was on the phone and I was waiting, and pacing, and waiting. Went out to the lobby area and found a penny at the Public Works counter. That was fun to show everyone. Smiles and shared JOY. (Coin #4)
11 p.m. We were traveling from Pomona to Vegas for our L.O.V.E. Weekend. Stopped in Barstow for a break. While Doc got his coffee, I walked. I tried very hard to resist Searching. But I have Penny Fever. I walked the entire convenience store. Nothing. Whew! (I had drafted the day’s Penny Tale before leaving home, and it was already plenty long). I had my hand on the door and had taken one step out to leave the store when there was that nudging, “Go look at the Subway counter”. Tina, “Are you sure? I have enough for today.” There was a penny sitting blatantly on the floor in front of the counter. (Coin #5). Doc STILL wasn’t out of the bathroom, so I kept walking and found another Penny in the gas pump area (Coin #6).
Today’s Total: 6 coins P (5) + D (1) = $0.15
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