Today we had the quarterly All-College meeting at school. I announced my leaving! J
Told everyone I had three goals for the year away:
a) Visit some of my former students (trips to TX, AZ, UT, WA, OR, etc.)
b) Build the new house
c) Take PennyFinders to a higher level.
Let’s see how “compact” I can write today’s Tale.
On the way to school Doc stopped at Starbucks for his coffee. I got my coins - a nickel and two quarters! (Coins #1-3)
There was one penny in the breezeway as I was heading to a meeting.
One penny at the Subway after I left a workshop.
(Coins #4&5)
Backtrack … at the workshop a woman leaned over and said - you were the lady who stood in last Fall for a workshop speaker who was late. You told us about pennies. I smiled and said, “Yes, that was Day #300 and it is now Day #474!” I gave her a Penny Card. Shared smiles.
After work I was tired and wanted to go straight home. Doc wanted to go to the grocery store. Grrr…I hate grocery shopping! Then to further my frustration, he pulled into the high school parking lot to look for coins. I told him he was insane (that is the rated G version).
I found a penny almost immediately (Coin #6) Doc was not satisfied. “We need a DIME to ‘Hit for the Cycle’”. He continued cruising the parking lot. Anytime he saw something shiny he would loop back to get a closer look. We were laughing because I said he was like a high school boy doing donuts in the parking lot and I was getting dizzy! After a few minutes of this he said, “There is a dime and a nickel on my side.” I told him he was full of ^^^. He made me hop out to retrieve the two coins. (Coins #7&8).
At the grocery store Doc went for his cube steak while I searched for coins. Did not see any when I walked past each of the check out lanes from one direction. Walked around from the other direction and found 3 pennies and a nickel in the various lanes. (Coins #9-12)
Once again: Rewards can be found by approaching the same situation from a different angle.
Doc is relentless. His comment, “Let’s just get another dime so we will have a DOUBLE Hit for the Cycle today.” He drove back to the high school parking lot! I wanted to clobber the man. We were doing dizzy circles in the dark looking for a d>>> dime! Doc got a penny. (Coin #13)

I spotted something and hopped out to investigate. Gum Blob. I kept walking - (a) because I was losing patience with the man, (b) it really was a gorgeous evening and I needed to ‘chill out’ and (c) I was begging the Angels, “Would you PLEASE just give him his bloomin’ dime so I can go home?” They did! (See photo). A dime in the dark among the leaves. (Coin #14)
Manifesting. Verbalizing. Belief.
Total: 14 Coins P (7), N (3), D (2), Q (2) = $0.92
Double Hit for the Cycle
Doc noted that the Penny Angels provided a Double Hit for the Cycle in acknowledgement of me publicly announcing the Leave of Absence to pursue PennyFinding.
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