A little background here:
TEN years ago Doc and I lost a special friend, Michelle Watson, to breast cancer. Note: She was only 26 years old.
Michelle was an outstanding student, athlete, nature lover, caring person and so many other wonderful things. At age 21 she detected a lump in her breast, but was told it was nothing to worry about. A few years later she was planning to do work oversees with the Peace Corp. and during her physical exam, the lump was examined. It was cancer and it was already at an advanced stage.
Her family channeled their grief into helping other women who were dealing with breast cancer; primarily those under 40 years of age. At first they provided comfort and information. Then they began arranging for testing and medical procedures. Now they have a center Michelle’s Place offering a whole variety of support services.
Tonight’s Penny Tale:
This evening Doc and I attended a fundraising auction and dinner for Michelle’s Place. Throughout the evening I shared the PennyFinders story with a number of people. As we were leaving someone asked, “Did you find any Pennies here tonight?” We had not. The event was outdoors in an area of grass and trees and bark pathways. Not likely to find coins there.
As we drove away from the event, Doc said, “Let’s stop at Starbucks for a coffee and let’s find coins in Honor of Michelle.” We stopped at the first Starbucks. Doc got his coffee, but no coins were found. I said out loud, “Penny Angels, Please send a coin in tribute of the 10th year anniversary of Michelle’s passing. And please make it a DIME so that we know it is for her”.
Doc and I were led to go next door to the grocery store. The store was getting ready to close, so it was a very quick run through for us. At first, no coins. Then I spotted a penny. Then a second penny as we were leaving. God’s 2¢ worth. I was thankful, but disappointed - it was not the dime.
There was a CVS Pharmacy across the parking lot and Doc and I both headed there - we KNEW we needed to look there. As we crossed the parking lot we were both looking for coins. We laughed because we have a joke “You CAN NOT find coins in the dark in an asphalt parking lot!”
I was saying OUT LOUD, “Penny Angels, Dime for Michelle. Dime for Michelle. Dime for Michelle PLEASE. It would make for a really good story tonight.” I must have said “Please -Dime for Michelle 100 times”. As we walked through the CVS doors, we saw a very long line of people at the cash registers. And there was a beautifully illuminated new shield penny on the floor! Then another penny in front of the people in line. I boldly claimed both coins. Again God’s 2¢ worth.

Doc and I searched throughout the rest of the store. There were no more coins to be found. Then I said, “Michelle, I know you can hear me. These PENNY Angels are only delivering Pennies. Would you help out here and deliver a dime? Confirm that you are here.” Doc and I went to exit the store. I was straggling a bit behind him, so he paused and turned to look back toward me. He froze. I Knew. There was a shiny silver dime in the middle of the dark blue carpet where dozens of people had just been standing and where Doc and I had searched just moments earlier when we entered the store! Wow. Coincidence? What do you think?
Doc and I were ecstatic and headed to the van. Couldn’t wait to get home and share tonight’s Penny Tale with people. Then we both noticed something reflect a gleam of light. Another penny! We proceeded a little further and then another penny! More of God’s 2¢ worth. We were laughing because everyone knows, “You can’t find coins at night in a dark parking lot”. (The Penny Angels have often proven us wrong on that statement).
Doc unlocked his side of the van and I was about to get in on my side. I was ‘nudged’ to turn away and walk to the other side of a nearby planter. There were 6-7 parking stalls there. I stood there said, “So WHY am I here?” Then I spotted it - a Dime! “Michelle. Is this from You?” Doc saw the look in my eyes and Knew what I had found. I hopped in the van and held out my hand - 2 dimes and six pennies. That totals 26 cents- Michelle’s Age when she crossed over. I was both elated and in tears. Coincidence? You decide.
Thought: Michelle’s Life had meaning and even the Angels were Celebrating it Tonight.
Total: 8 Coins P (6), D (2) = $0.26
With Joy,
Tina Shelton
1 comment:
OMG Tina, I love this story... She so loved you and Doc. And how funny while reading this story at work a co-worker has a radio on and when I scrolled down and Michelle's picture shown the song "Isn't she lovely" came on at that moment. I do not know her but I have lost an aunt on my mom's side and my dad's mom has had cancer cells removed from her breast two years ago, so reading with story touched me and I had tears in my eyes while reading it. Thank you again for another heart felt story.. =D
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