Today was another major milestone in the New House Project. We submitted our project to the City Planning Department. They now have 30 days in which to respond.
The morning began with three alarm clocks going off consecutively. I knew one would be insufficient to do the job. The third alarm finally got me out of bed.
Doc had received 8 sets of drawings from the architect on Friday, but I wanted one for our records, so at 7:45 AM I stopped at the copy center. By 8:25 AM I was at Mandy’s house to pick her up. Doc could not go with me this morning and I wanted someone with whom to celebrate! Mandy has been integral to this project for the past 10? years.

Mandy and I arrived at the City shortly before 9 AM. Spent the next hour going from one department to the next. At each station we were talking fervently to the Penny Angels to have the transaction run smoothly.
When we arrived at the Cashier window and were ready to pay, I noticed the forms had some family trust listed as the owner!
Lesson: Pay attention to the details!

After paying several thousand dollars for our plans to be reviewed, we were given an update of what to expect next.
For starters we need to contact the water district and get a Fire Flow Test. Then we need a full Landscape Plan with irrigation lines, calculations of all water usage, and specific plants and spacing to be used. That will need to be reviewed by Fire Safety as well.
It took a little over an hour, but that is a milestone.
Upon returning to my parked truck, we discovered a love note on the windshield L $50 ticket for parking in an employee lot. There were no signs posted anywhere within the lot, just one sign at the entrance which I failed to see.
Lesson: Pay attention to the details!

As we were beginning the drive home Mandy and I both felt that the morning would not be complete withhout a Penny Find. So we asked the Penny Angels for a ‘nudging’. We were passing a car wash and both felt inclined to turn in. We needed to get to work, so we asked for a quick find. It was a drizzly morning, so the car wash was deserted. Mandy headed for the vacuuming station, while I headed for the waiting zone. We both pretty much at the same time raised our arms to get each other’s attention and indicate our finds! Synchronized Penny Finding - a new sport! Bruce, an attendant at the Car Wash, took our picture since he was standing there with no customers to worry about. Mandy and I each got our 2¢ worth.
When I arrived at campus at 11 AM I hopped out of the truck saying, “Thanks Penny Angels for being there today. That’s enough pennies because I don’t want to write so much tonight.” Within 60 seconds I found a penny.
Doc had a super full day at work but also managed to find a penny. He and Sparky visited the local McDonald’s for coffee and a bite before Doc headed to work.
Total: 6 Pennies
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