Today was my mom’s 70th Birthday. I’m always trying to maximize my time commitments, so we combined the Birthday Celebration with our bi-monthly Play Time with the Kids. Mom wanted to try something new for the start of her new decade. So we went 10-pin bowling! The kids had a blast! The attendant at the bowling alley put up the gutter rails to ensure that we had some success at this new endeavor. We even managed to bowl a few strikes!
Lesson: Old Dogs CAN be taught new tricks!
This morning Doc and I met with the architect from 9-10 a.m. One little step each week. For 25 years my heart has been set on a Tudor style home with a front porch and slate looking roof. It is difficult to accept this Mediterranean style with red clay S tiles and no porch.
On the way to school we made a quick stop at the 99¢ Store for some birthday balloons. There was one penny at the trash can in front of where we parked the van. Doc said that was a “Sparky Find”. The I found another penny inside the store. (Coins #1&2).
At work I found a penny on my mouse -- someone must be reading these Penny Tales!
This afternoon we had a wonderful time bowling with mom and the kids. Then we had a delicious dinner at the kid’s favorite Mediterranean restaurant.
As we were taking grandma home, Doc noted that HE did not yet have a coin for today. So we stopped at the RiteAid Pharmacy. Doc parked the van and I hopped out to notice the empty drive through lane at the Carl’s Jr. I quickly ran over there to collect 2¢ worth under the window. (Coins #3&4)

In the RiteAid, Doc and I each searched the check out area several times, as well as the ice cream, photo and pharmacy area. No coins to be found. Mom made her purchase of baby aspirin and we were leaving. Mom said she looks constantly for coins, but never finds any. I said, “There is one to your left under the Cracker Jacks”. She looked; saw nothing. I said, “Look Harder! It is right there!” She didn’t see it, but blindly ran her hand under the display rack. Yuck! I guided her until she finally collected it. Her Birthday DIME. (Coin #5). “Old Dog, New Trick”.
Doc was still frustrated because he did not have a coin for today. So we had to stop at the grocery store “for bananas”. Sure. He wanted coins, not produce.
I spotted a dime as I entered the store. I pointed it out for Doc. He fumbled with it, but his fingers were too big, so I collected it. (Coin #6) He still did not have his coin. When we were checking out, I looked one aisle over as Doc was paying. I gathered another dime. (Coin #7). Then Doc spied a penny at the cigarette cabinet as we were leaving. Finally a coin for him. (Coin #8) As we walked to the van, Doc showed me the dime in his hand. “Honey, you walked right over this one as we got into the checkout line.” (Coin #9).
Total: 9 Coins P (5), N (0), D (4), Q (0) = $0.45
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