Today we were expecting to grade papers and then attend a family gathering. Figured we’d better take care of Penny Finding first thing this morning. We headed for the high school parking lot. As I hopped out of the van I loudly did a Sing Song. “Penny Angels, Penny Angels won’t you come out to play…” I purposely said this very loudly because I wanted the Penny Angels to wake up and deliver immediately! Within 20 ft. of the van I spotted this penny Wistfully Waiting for us. It was new and shining beautifully in a water-filled asphalt hole. (Coin #1).
I thanked the Penny Angels and was ready to leave, but Doc had not found his coin. He looked for a few more minutes, then I told him it was time to leave - as I collected another penny on the way to the van, (Coin #2)
This afternoon we attended a graduation ceremony. My twin nephews were also in attendance at the church. We offered to drive them in our car to the family gathering. They had rumbly tummies, so we stopped at a 7-11 station for some munchies. We said “Let’s find some coins here!” We collected a dime, penny and quarter inside the store. Pretty good! (Coins #3-5). Then, upon leaving, Uncle Doc spotted something shiny under the van. We stepped aside, Doc drove the car forward, and we collected another quarter - one for each Twin! (Coin #6)
Grandma Karin was also in our car and wanted to stop at Trader Joe’s for something. We told the Penny Angels we needed a Nickel to Hit for the Cycle Please. When paying for our groceries we collected one penny. Then as we were walking to the van, Doc collected another penny. (Coins #7&8) At the van we were munching again. Doc was “nudged” to walk away and look for coins at a nearby planter. He walked a few feet and found the requested nickel! (Coin #9) WOW! Thanks Penny Angels. That nickel was just waiting for us. We merely had to Ask and Act. That wasn’t difficult at all!
How many blessings are waiting for us if we would merely ask, be open to the “nudgings” and then take action?
Total: 9 Coins P (5), N (1), D (1), Q (2) = $0.70
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