Doc began his day with a penny find just a few feet outside our front door on the walkway to his van! That was a good omen. Then he and Sparky found another penny at the car wash (Coins #1&2).
Since classes ended last week and the new term does not begin until next week, the campus was pretty much deserted and everything shut down. No coins found at work today.
After work I stopped at 7-11 (to look for coins). Doc spotted one penny in a parking stall right in front of the store. He pointed so that I could retrieve it. I bent down to pick it up and spotted another penny, then another. (Coins #3-5). Our next stop was Starbucks for Doc’s coffee - and my penny (Coin #6).

We had some errands to run which put us in the area of our new property. So we visited the site of our future home and did a bit of visualizing …
We stopped at Trader Joe’s for some groceries and Robbie, the cashier commented on my Penny Pendent. So many people ask about that. He got a 60 second explanation of Penny Finders and a Penny Card. Shared smiles.
We were going down the freeway doing some calculations: Saturday will be Day #547 -- One-and-a-half YEARS of Daily Penny Finding. Wow! We exited the freeway and Doc stopped at the signal at the top of the offramp. We were discussing how amazing this Penny Finding adventure has been and all the smiles it has generated. All of a sudden Doc was out of the van. He had another Sit-N-Find! We joke about “you can’t find coins in the dark!” But yet we do! (Coin #7).
When we submitted our House Plans to the City 4 weeks ago, they said they have 30 days to respond. Today is Day #30. Tomorrow I will call…
Lesson: Penny Patience ?
Total: 7 Pennies
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