This morning Doc and I worked on a few projects then he headed out for a coffee and errands while I headed to the Office Supply store to complete an ARK I have been working on for the past week. As I entered the store, I was giving a SingSong ‘Penny Angels ….’ Figured I needed to find today’s coin and get that out of the way before noon. There was a dime just inside the doorway and then a nickel nearby. As I waited at the print counter for my order, there was a penny approximately 24” under a wire display. That was a tough one to get (especially with 2-3 people watching me). (Coins #1-3). Next, I delivered my gift to the recipient and she was so excited about it. Made my day.
Doc found his penny as he left Starbucks and headed next door to Subway for a sandwich (Coin #4).

Today began the long-awaited 3-Day Birthday Adventure. Two weeks ago the twin nephews turned 9 and my niece turned 6. The original plan was to visit a new nature center this afternoon, but it was hot and smoggy so instead we saw the movie Marmaduke. Very funny. There was a penny as we paid for our tickets. (Coin #5).
Nicholas had found a penny earlier in his day when he was at the thrift store. He offered it as his find for the day. (Gift Penny).

After the movie we made a quick stop at a 7-11 (to look for coins). We emerged with 2 pennies and a dime (Coins #6-8). Our next stop was at a park to play on the equipment. Doc spotted a penny 1” from the rear tire on the van. He had literally “Stopped on a Penny”. (Coin #9)
All afternoon there were lots of “I Love Yous” and “This is fun”. Life doesn’t get much better than that.
Total: 9 Coins P (6), N (1), D (2), Q (0) = $0.31
Penny Pal J.R. is becoming stronger in his manifesting skills. Here is his email for today: “The month was 5/6th over and all I had so far were quarters and pennies. I've been verbalizing nickel for a couple of weeks (since I don’t worry about finding dimes). As I stepped out of the car at Vons, Friday, I landed on a nickel. One down. One to go. I switched to verbalizing dime, and, sure 'nuff, on the way out, next to the flower counter was the requested DIME. Another month, another cycle."
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