Doc and I began this Saturday by completing some errands like taking lightbulbs and an old propane tank to the Household Waste station. It felt good to do some cleaning out.
We had planned to begin working on the Duarte rental unit at 10 AM. Since we arrived in the area 10 minutes early, I convinced Doc to stop and Penny Hunt for a few minutes. I found a penny at the Carl’s Jr. window (Coin #1). That fulfilled the necessary coin for today.

At the Rental unit we cleaned cobwebs, trimmed bushes, met with a bathtub refurbishing rep, and trimmed a tree which led to 12 trashcans full of green waste to haul away. L As we began working, Doc found a penny on the patio! (Coin #2). I told him he should have called me so I could get a photo for today’s Penny Tale. Shortly thereafter I was cleaning out the planter bed by the front door. There was litter, cat turd, and a nickel! (Coin #3). As I hauled things to the dumpster I walked past the garage and noticed nothing. As I walked back, there was a shiny penny in my path! (Coin #4) Mushroom coin. Then, I was telling a neighbor about Penny Tales, and there was a penny at the edge of his garage! (Coin #5).

On the way home, Doc insisted upon stopping for lunch. We drove through El Pollo Loco chicken fast food. Our bill came to $25.23 I counted out 4 nickels and 3 pennies plus $30 in order to make the change very simple. (a $5 bill). Doc double checked the coins before handing the payment to the cashier.
While the cashier prepared our order, Doc collected a penny, a nickel and two quarters from the driveway! Wow! (Coins #6-9). I said, “We just need two dimes and we would have TWO Hits for the Cycle”. When the cashier returned she said, ”Here is $5 and two dimes”. Doc and I looked at each other in shock! Then we told the cashier, “No, we gave you precisely $30.23 for a $25.23 charge, so we only get $5 change’. She replied, “No, These are your dimes”! We argued back, she argued again. We finally took the dimes! Those weren’t “found” coins, but how do you explain that?
Doc notes here that one of the dimes looked like it had been on the street and run over. Implying that we all get beat up, but can “get back into circulation and continue doing our job”.
This evening we were doing some sprinkler repairs. Ran to the hardware store for a new valve and Doc found a penny in the parking lot. (Coin #10).
Doc said, “I feel like you will find a dime”.
We made a quick stop at the grocery store. Doc found a penny at the change counting kiosk. (Coin #11).
Doc noted that the penny had been rejected by others, but it was still of value to us.
Then Doc said, “Look under the machine, I think your dime is sitting there”. Sure enough! (Coin #12)
Total: 12 Found Coins P (7), N (2), D (1), Q (2) = $0.77
+ two dazzling dimes
DOUBLE Hit for the Cycle!
How do you explain those dimes?
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