Today Doc and I were just cleaning up stuff.
Doc and Sparky went for their morning Starbucks run. They cleaned up a Nickel and Quarter at the drive through. (Coins #1&2) Doc came home and said, “I got the two difficult coins, now you get the other two so we can have a ‘Hit for the Cycle’”.
At noon on our way to school, Doc stopped for a coffee and burger at McDonalds. There was a penny there. (Coin #3).
Doc and I spent the first few hours in our respective offices. He was working on packages for graduate students while I was cleaning up in my office. The second part of the day we spent cleaning up solar rayce car artifacts, technical reports, equipment, memory albums and more. That was tough on both of us. We were both looking for a dime when we took a load of things to the dumpster. We deposited one box in a lab where I had seen a few coins last week. The coins were still on the work table (they have been there for many weeks).
So I took one of the dimes. (Coin #4). Hit for the Cycle. The faculty who runs the lab had actually given his OK for me to take the coins, but somehow they did not feel like “real” finds.
This afternoon Doc wandered into one classroom just to look for coins. He found a token which said “Red Rock Canyon Visitor Center Grand Opening 2010” That was a unique coin.
On the way home from work this evening, Doc said, “Let’s stop at the Chevron station so you can get your dime”. I thought that was a pretty bold statement. Before entering the convenience store I spotted a shiny penny inside on the floor! I entered the store, bent to pick up the penny, and spotted a dime! (Coins #5&6). It was really mind-boggling. Our requested dime was boldly sitting in the middle of the floor. One customer walked over it before I reached it. I picked it up, turned around, and a guy with a mop began mopping the floor right there! Cleaning Up! Timing is so important.
Doc and I stopped for dinner on the way home. There was a shiny shield penny between our van and the door of the Mexican restaurant. (Coin #7). As we were reading the menu Doc whispered, “There is a coin under the chair of the little boy to your left. You can wait until they leave and just lean over to get it.” But much of the JOY in Penny Finding is in the Sharing of the Finds. I had not Shared the story yet today.

The lady at the next table made eye contact with me twice and smiled. I just KNEW she and her husband would appreciate the Penny Finders story. I thought her son would also have fun playing along, but I didn’t think he’d be thrilled if I just leaned over and reached under his backside! So I pulled out a Penny Card, apologized for interrupting their dinner and asked if I might trade the penny under the table, for the penny on the card. I just wanted to Clean Up. (Coin #8) J
The little boy, Emilio, was satisfied with our trade agreement. The parents seemed to enjoy the story, and JOY was Shared. THAT is the best part of Penny Finding; the Smiles and JOY.
Penny Fever is spreading … Do YOUR part to keep it going.
Total: 8 Coins P (4), N (1), D (2), Q (1) = 54¢ + one Red Rock token
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