This was the first “official day” for my One Year Leave of Absence (LOA). On a normal work day I would arrive at school between 9-11 in the morning. Today we were at work at 8 AM! Does this make any “cents”?

For the first 1.5 hours at work today, both Doc and I presented to a senior Mechanical Engineering design course. It was really fun! Guess what? The students are going to use our house plans as a “real life” design project to research water and energy systems. Should be interesting to see what ideas they have in a few weeks.
Later this morning Doc and I did some cleaning in one lab. I took some of the stuff to another lab and found Penny #1.
We left campus around 1:00 PM and headed for the architect’s office where we picked up the revised elevation drawings! (I have yet to review those). Then we called to see if we could meet with the landscape architect. We found a penny in his office while reviewing the drawings with him. (Coin #2). Turns out he has some free time tomorrow morning, so he will tackle our revisions then!
That “go ahead” led us to call the City Planner and say we would like to meet with him first thing next week. Then we went to the car wash where I stepped out of the truck to claim Penny #3. Doc got hungry so he stopped at Trader Joe’s for snacks while I collected a dime (Coin #4). Ran all sorts of errand from the optometrist to AAA to the shoe repair (Coin #5).
We went back to the car wash to get my truck and while I was paying, Doc found 3 pennies near the trash bins. (Coins #6-8).
I have not worn my pedometer for many, many months. Went home and spent an hour walking my neighborhood - both to complete 10,000 steps for today and to make progress on the Neighborhood Watch map which I maintain and update periodically. Doc went to KFC for dinner and another penny. (Coin #9).
Thought: Today I took a leap of faith and said “Here goes!” and all sorts of things happened which I wasn’t expecting. So we are off to a good start on Day #1!
Total: 9 Coins P (8), N (0), D (1), Q (0) = $0.18
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