My brother, Greg is a firefighter, so the family met at his firestation for a potluck. Greg prepares the turkey and everyone else brings something. My brothers know that my organizational skills are stronger than my culinary skills, so I get to bring the tables and chairs and set the tables.

After Doc and I got the dining area set up, Doc needed his coffee fix and I needed a coin for today. On the way to Starbucks we stopped at a closed In-N-Out burger stand. One coin at each drive up window. After getting the coffee, we stopped at a shopping center before returning to the station. A penny in a dirt planter, 3 pennies inside the CVS, two pennies outside the grocery store near a children’s riding toy, and one penny inside the grocery store. 9 pennies in a 20 minute hunting spree.

Then it was back to the fire station for water play, appetizers, dinner, rides on the fire engine, and desserts. In the previous two years our dinners were interrupted by incoming calls which sent the guys suiting up and responding. Today was relaxing and enjoyable the whole time.
Dinner photo with brother Greg (firefighter) and Mike (police).
Total: 9 Pennies
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