Today: Awesome, Beautiful, Coin filled, Delicious, Exhausting
We had planned to have one-on-one time with each of the Twin nephews. I was surprised at how much each of them seemed to anticipate “their special time”.
Last night Nicholas set a goal to stay up until midnight. So he assembled a jigsaw puzzle while I did chores and prepared things for today. Brandon chose to go to bed early because he wanted a 6:30 AM wakeup and sunrise walk with me!
Brandon and I headed out for our walk while Doc and Nick tried to “get into gear”. We walked diner row and the car wash without finding a single coin! Not a good Penny Finding start.
Breakfast was heart-shaped waffles and fruit. The kids were saying how delicious the food was and Doc was noting how unusual it was for me to cook anything! Nicholas quipped, “This is a One Hit Wonder!”
We paired up and headed out. Nick planned to take Uncle Doc to Starbucks, a walk-through the High School Parking lot and then a new Chuck E Cheese. Brandon planned some penny finding and maybe finding a park in which to play Pente (a board game I taught him last night).
I almost always find coins at a local Carl’s Jr. so Brandon checked that window as our first stop. Nothing. This was quite unusual. We had checked 7-8 places so far in the day, with zero coin finds. Time for a SingSong. Brandon declared, “Penny Angels, Penny Angels, Come out to Play, Come out to Play, Come out To Play. Hey Penny Angels won’t you come out to play and bring us a QUARTER today.” Two minutes later we stopped at a 7-11. I spotted a penny behind a metal window security curtain. (Coin#1). Yipee! Done. But since we were already out of the truck, we went inside the store. I spotted a penny under the counter. Brandon collected coins while I shared Penny Tales and a Penny Card with a nice lady waiting to pay for her purchases. Brandon emerged with 6 pennies and his Quarter! (Coins #2-8). There was much joy and shared laughter.
We next went to Bass Pro Shop where Brandon ran through the entire store in 11 minutes.
That is a fascinating store with incredible displays. I was looking at the fabricated stonework and thinking of the fireplace for the Penny Palace.
We cruised around Rancho until we discovered a neat little park. We played a few games of Pente while sitting on the grass, then played on the swings. We cruised around the City a bit more, then arrived at our meeting spot precisely at the agreed upon 11:30 AM.

Nick and Doc got their coffees and a walk at the high school. They found a nickel and two pennies around the parking lot area, then 15 pennies in the grass near the skateboard park. Coin Mine! (Coins #9-26). They arrived at the construction site 5 minutes late (but who is counting)?

Our plumber was at the construction site when we arrived. He was just finishing the pressure testing of the sewer lines! Yipee! The “stuff” should flow from this house. J Neighbor Craig came over to chat. The Twins were anxious to get on with their day, but had a bit of fun scaling boulder hill and climbing on the earth-moving equipment.
The four of us had lunch at Brandon’s Diner, then switched partners for the second half of the day. The Twins had each done a good “sales job” regarding their morning. Thus I returned to the Bass Shop a second time and Doc went back to Chuck E Cheese. We just had different partners. Doc found a CEC token, when playing there. He collected one quarter when he and Brandon went to Starbucks for coffees, and spotted one foregone quarter. (Coins #27&28)
We took the kids home at 4:30 with all of us wishing it could have been two nights instead of just one. Before reaching the freeway, I had a Thanks note which needed writing so Doc parked at my old high school. I wrote; he collected a quarter under the bleachers and a penny. (Coins #29&30).
We stopped to drop off some documents for the new renters. They are so happy to have a place of their own after being transitory for the past 18 months. Such JOY! My heart is glowing at their “new beginning”.
When we stopped at the mail station to check mail, Doc found 3 pennies on the waist-high window frame rail. (Coins #31-33)
Doc insisted upon stopping at a Trader Joe’s grocery store. One penny found there. (Coin #34). I wanted to go home at that point. Doc insisted upon another grocery store. I not so kindly noted that we really did not need anything more, and that I knew he was doing it merely to get a dime so that he could claim a ‘hit for the Cycle’. He laughed and admitted it was true. To which I then said, “OK. dime, Dime, DIme, DIMe, DIME …Penny Angels please give the man his D#### dime so I can go home!” As I walked into the grocery store there was a penny near the shoe of a customer. (Coin #35) I didn’t care. I grabbed it, then spotted a dime next to the cashier. Mine! (Coin #36) Thank You Angels! There was a second dime at a closed register! Wow! (Coin #37). And then as we paid for our groceries, there was a third dime by the counter! (Coin #38). Not just one, but THREE dimes within minutes in answer to that verbal request.
The Penny Angels just had to have the last laugh At home I unpacked the groceries and was folding the bags. There was a penny at the bottom of one of the bags! (Coin #39)
Total: 39 Coins P (31), N (1), D (3), Q (3) + one foregone quarter = $1.41 + FG
Lesson: Ask, Verbalize, Believe
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