We picked up the kids at 4 PM. Four kids = four opinions on where to go for our play time and another four opinions on where to do our homework and another four opinions on where to have dinner.
We spent the first half hour doing homework at some picnic tables. Then it was off to Jump ‘n Jammin. As we were all taking off our shoes I said, “Penny Angels I don’t have any coins yet today, how about at least one here?” Tucked way in the corner was a penny! (Coin #2).

The first thing the kids wanted to do was to conquer the climbing wall. It was fun to watch each kid progress to higher levels as well as more and more challenging walls. They stretched their arms and legs and beliefs to their limits. Good lessons to learn there.

While wandering the play area I spotted a penny behind the netting and under the climbing zone. Way out of reach (limited belief level). Then I spotted a quarter even further from reach.
I showed Doc. He said, “You Can Do It!” So he held my gear as I went belly down, flat out. My arm was about an inch too short -- on the first attempt. But then I stretched with all I could - and got the quarter! (Coin #3) Then the penny was suddenly also attainable. (Coin #4).

I spotted a quarter even further back. (Coin #5) This time we noticed a pole to use as an arm extender. By this time the 3 attendees were wondering what we were doing. I ‘fessed up, explained our antics, and gave each a Penny Card. Such fun and shared joy. One really nice young lady quipped, “I could have easily unzipped that access panel and you could have reached right in!” Duh. Much easier (but would not have had everyone laughing as we did).
We had a Mongolian BBQ dinner at the mall, some time at the bookstore, some time at the local library, then the kids were home at 8:35 PM.
Doc and I really wanted a dime for tonight. We have been finding so many lately. So we stopped at a 7-11 store on the way home. Three pennies there (Coins #6-8). Had a great time telling the young cashier about Penny Finding. A few minutes of Shared JOY. Still no dime, so I walked past an empty del Taco window. One penny (Coin #9).
As we got on the freeway Doc said, “Dime, Dime, Dime!” When we exited the freeway, we stopped at one of the ‘designer’ grocery stores. Those usually do not have coins. Doc went for the bathroom and vending area while I cruised the check out area. The manager approached and asked if he might help me. (I must have looked lost). I told him I was looking for a dime and gave him a Penny Card. We had a really enjoyable few moments together. Shared Joy.
Still needed a dime, so one final stop at our usual grocery store. A dime as I walked in the door! (Coin #10) Then three pennies throughout the store. (Coins #11-13). Then one more penny in an ashtray just outside the door after we left the store. (Coin #14)
Lesson: Stretch yourself each day to grow and to learn something new.
Reach just a tiny bit further than you think you can.
Total: 14 Coins P (10), N (1), D (1), Q (2) = $0.75
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