We were out on the jobsite at 7:30 this morning. On the way, Doc stopped at McDonalds for coffee and breakfast. I collected a dime and a penny.

It was terrific to watch the crew laying the block wall. They placed hundreds of concrete blocks -- in a matter of hours! Doc really wanted for us to do that wall ourselves and save some money. But after seeing those little “pebbles” emerge during the grading process, Doc realized the value in retaining professionals (with heavy equipment) to do the work. Heck, it might have cost more in chiropractic treatments and massages over the course of the month it would have taken us to construct it versus the money we would have saved!
See video of the guys laying block around the Arbor of Love.
Doc was teaching this afternoon and I had appointments. That means we did not get to see the second round of foundation concrete being poured today. Anxious to see more results tomorrow.
Total: 2 Coins P (1), N (0), D (1), Q (0) = $0.11
1 comment:
I remember the mc donalds. I was the person that took your order out side and witnessed you find the penny
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