This morning I had meetings and activities at school from 7 - 11 AM. It was enough to remind me that for now, I’d rather be focusing on the Penny Palace than pulling together the various campus events which take place during the Spring Term. I collected 3 pennies while at school.
Doc was at the 7:30 Quarterly College Meeting as well. Then he stayed on campus for his classes, paper grading, etc. He didn’t arrive home until after 9 PM - and no coins in hand!

This afternoon I made photocopies, paid subcontractors, dealt with septic design issues, and a bunch of other things, then went out to the jobsite. Fun to see the progress.
Photo #1: Crew is leveling the dirt under the Master Bedroom area. Floor will be approximately 4 ft. off the ground, so great storage there.
Photo #2: Front wall footing. Currently about 4 ft. above the dirt. That is one heck of a step up to the front door.

Fun ARK Story: At the office supply store I was making copies. My credit card would not go in the machine, because the previous user had left his card in there! I made my copies (on my card) then began to take the lost credit card to the service desk. The “nudging” said to take the card to the photocopy station instead. One sales associate (a young lady) caught my attention. I felt I needed to talk to her. A male sales associate asked if he could help me. I said, “No, may I speak with that young lady please?” I asked her if she could assist me with getting the lost credit card to the owner. Perhaps she could look him up if he had one of their store cards?
The last time I found a lost credit card, I called the credit card company directly. They would not help to get the card back to the owner. They said to shred the card and the account would be closed. What a lot of hassle! I actually did a search and found the owner, but it was too late, the account had been terminated. Today was better. The young lady said, “Would the card happen to be for Mr. Bailey?” “Yes” “He comes in here all the time. He was looking for his card. He’ll be happy to get this back.”
Yipee! Thanks Angels for that “nudging”.
That was a fun and simple ARK (Act of Random Kindness)
Total: 3 Pennies
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