On the way to the jobsite we passed a Carl’s Jr. with no cars at the drive up window. I could not resist a quick run through. The result - one nickel and two pennies. (Coins #1-3). A good “base” to begin the day. It was ironic to find the coin there because some teenagers were running a car wash to raise funds. And their water hose ran right across those coins!
Doc stopped at Starbucks for his AM fix. I collected a nickel at the Chick-fil-A next door, then a dime in front of Starbucks as I met Doc. (Coins #4&5).
After a few hours at the construction site, Doc went to CPP to work for several hours. I cleaned house and did some food prep for a luncheon tomorrow. On his way home Doc stopped for a car wash where he collected 5 pennies, then one more penny at CVS. (Coins #6-11).
I thought we were done Penny Finding for the day, but then had to make a quick run to the grocery store. I found 5 pennies and a dime in various places and then a nickel in the precise spot (at the pay phone) where Doc had looked on our way into the store! (Coins #12-18).


Penny Palace Progress:
Framer Danny pretty much finished the floor supports today. Goal accomplished! Doc says now we have the “Home Base!”
Plumber Bryan and his son, Jake began their portion. You can see waste pipe stands where the toilets and sinks will be.
Total: 18 Coins P (13), N (3), D (2), Q (0) = $0.48
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