The morning was spent at Cal Poly Pomona. The main objective was to meet with the Director of the NHRA Museum. The Dean has said he wants all three solar cars gone by the end of the summer. Thus we are seeking good homes for them.
Before reaching campus, we got coffee at Starbucks. Merril asked if Starbucks had drive up windows. Yup. Retrieved a nickel below the window in exchange for a Penny Card. (Coin #1)

Once on campus we turned in the cash box and leftover alumni trinkets from the reunion. Then we went down to the lab for our meeting. We were a few minutes early, so I carefully searched the lab floors for coins. None to be found. I assisted a student in retrieving some race artifacts from another building and when I returned to the lab, I found a penny! Reward for an ARK (Act of Random Kindness)? (Coin #2)

We met with the Museum Director in the labs, gave him a history lesson, and showed him two car nose pieces which were hanging on the wall. Then we took him to see the three cars. It had been so long since we had opened the storage unit, that we had to cut the lock on the door. Found a solar car and a penny inside. (Coin #3)
It was time for lunch so our Aussie guests requested In-N-Out burgers. We stopped to fill water jugs for the construction workers. There was an ice cream shop next door which Merril could not resist patronizing. We found a penny there (Coin #4)

After lunch Doc headed to the job site to take photos and deliver water to the workers. The flooring has been laid in the Elf Quarters (attic).
I asked our guests to just “hang out” while I attempted to finalize and submit our order for bathtubs and shower pans. Also submitted an order for the bath/shower valves.
At 3 pm we headed out to a military supply center. The guests continued their wild shopping spree which began hours after they arrived in Southern California (17 days ago). We also hit a Joanne’s Fabric and Craft store. More bolstering of the American economy.
Shirlee wanted quart sized zip seal baggies, so we stopped at a grocery store. We were all looking for coins. We spotted one of my Penny Cards inside one of the acrylic donation collection boxes! Good laugh on that. We also found a dime and three pennies there. (Coins #5-8)
This evening Doc and Merril are watching the All Star baseball game. He is explaining rules and concepts now so that she will have a better understanding when they attend a live game on Thursday.
Total: 8 Coins P (6), N (1), D (1), Q (0) = $0.21
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